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Support Brian and Shannon Edwards

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As a friend of Brian and Shannon, I am trying to help in any way possible.  Any money donated will go directly to Brian and Shannon.  As many of you know, Brian and Shannon are not the type of people to ask for help but they are the first to help others without question.  Right now they could really benefit from our support to help them get through this difficult time.  They have been faced with an unbelievable challenge and anything you can give to them right now will help with the cost of Brian's recovery.  

Here's there story:
We were in Olympic National Park at a place called Rialto Beach. It was magical until... Brian fell 20-30 feet off a cliff and landed on his feet and completely shattered both ankles; the right one is worse. He had to be helicoptered out and back to Seattle by Medlife . They brought him to Harborview Medical Center which is a level 1 trauma center and the best in the Northwest and third in the nation so that is a blessing. His care team are phenomenal and some of the brightest minds in the field. He will have to have a minimum of 4 surgeries in the next 2-3 weeks to fix his ankles and heels and then months of recovery. He has two compound fractures (one on each foot) and the fall compacted all of the bones. There are multiple breaks in each foot including his ankles and his heels. (He also gashed his chin and received stitches.) He is in what is called external fixators to help reduce swelling and align the bones until he can have surgery. It’s like a frame outside of his legs; the rods are screwed from the outside, through the skin, and into his bones. He is in a severe amount of pain and highly medicated. We will be here until they deem it safe for him to travel but all of his surgeries will be done here prior to planning his return to Asheville. This will be up to 6 weeks if all goes as planned. We had only been here one day before this happened.  The bright and shining light is that he did not damage his spine or suffer a severe head injury. It is truly a miracle and we feel fortunate for that. It has been so incredibly challenging being 2800 miles away from home and the logistics are a huge hurdle but we are focusing on the positive, taking one minute/day at a time We are very grateful that he is alive and cognitively healthy. I will have to add that his beard is still fully in tact and still wowing the staff!
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  • Daniel Hayes
    • $500
    • 5 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Erin Frazier
Asheville, NC
Brian Edwards

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