Support Campbell CERT
The Campbell Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a California nonprofit corporation. With a membership of over 200 volunteers, we bolster city-wide disaster resilience by building teams of neighborhood volunteers who are trained, organized, equipped, and responsive to any significant emergency.
Due to COVID-19, we have lost 100% of our funding for 2020 and 2021. The City and our annual Taste of Campbell fundraiser event were our only income sources that financed our activities, and they have both been eliminated.
We use the funds to purchase supplies for large-scale emergencies, provide free first-aid and emergency-preparedness classes, and free first-aid services for local community events. Those funds also used to educate and motivate the public by building awareness for disaster preparedness, communicated through social media campaigns.
With your tax-deductible contribution, you can help us raise money for our 2021 activities.
Campbell CERT is a 501(c)3 California nonprofit corporation founded in 2015.
Due to COVID-19, we have lost 100% of our funding for 2020 and 2021. The City and our annual Taste of Campbell fundraiser event were our only income sources that financed our activities, and they have both been eliminated.
We use the funds to purchase supplies for large-scale emergencies, provide free first-aid and emergency-preparedness classes, and free first-aid services for local community events. Those funds also used to educate and motivate the public by building awareness for disaster preparedness, communicated through social media campaigns.
With your tax-deductible contribution, you can help us raise money for our 2021 activities.
Campbell CERT is a 501(c)3 California nonprofit corporation founded in 2015.
Michael Grodin
Campbell, CA
Campbell Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)