Support CaringBridge
Tax deductible
In honor of Brain Cancer Awareness Month, I am raising money for CaringBridge. CaringBridge is a free tool that patients and survivors can use to share secure medical updates with friends and family. This has been an invaluable tool for Dylan & I throughout my fight against my grade III astrocytoma during the last year. It has allowed me to share accurate information to loved ones, allowing me to post once and avoid having the burden of sharing news lay on my shoulders alone.
More information about CaringBridge: CaringBridge is a global, nonprofit social network dedicated to helping family and friends communicate with and support loved ones during a health journey. Thanks to our compassionate donors, we offer free, personal, protected websites for people to easily share updates and receive strength and encouragement from their community.
Any amount is greatly appreciated! I also understand if now is not the right time, or if this is not the right cause, it is a crazy world out there.
Ilsa Knutson
Denver, CO