"Please Help Julie and Lil' Cecil with Expenses"
Donation protected
Thank you to everyone that helped, assisted and contributed to the Felkins family during this time. Julie is beyond surprised by the love to their family.
There is a room block at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites in Central Point, OR for $109 + tax per room night.
They will hold rooms as follows:
Thursday – 5
Friday – 20
Saturday – 20
Sunday – 5
Guests may begin making reservations either by calling the hotel directly at [phone redacted] OR using the link:
CELEBRATION OF LIFE for Cecil Felkins: https://facebook.com/events/s/celebration-of-life-for-cecil-/415774391541898/
When: Saturday, November, 2nd from 3-7 pm (main speaking starting at around 4 pm)
Where: Crater High School (Student Center), Central Point, Or
What: Video Photo Show, Guest Speakers, Light Snacks and Refreshments, Story Boards of the Impact Cecil had on Others
OUT-OF-TOWNERS: Book with Holiday Inn Express & Suites at EITHER the Central Point OR Medford Locations and Mention “Cecil Felkins Celebration of Life” for GROUP RATE (Wait Until 10/17 to reserve, just so I can finalize the rate!)
Please come and CELEBRATE a man who apparently impacted a number of different lives in a variety of ways. He was a son, brother, husband, father, friend, teacher, principal, coach, umpire, official, mentor, and so much more to so many as I have seen from texts, posts, conversations, and phone calls…
… My last wish for Cecil is to have this place PACKED! When I asked how many seats this place can hold, they said about 500, last I looked on his Facebook page, he has over 1K friends (I have half that, and counting), and that’s just on Facebook. So, bring your camp chairs, just in case, and wear something comfortable, because if you really knew Cecil, he’d want you to “come as you are”! If there is anything that Cecil loved more than ANYTHING, was to officiate in front of a PACKED HOUSE, so let’s give him one last BIG GAME!!!
FINAL UPDATE (10/5) on Cecil Felkins:
For those of you who didn’t scroll through my update from 10/3, I wanted to make sure you were aware that Cecil Felkins did indeed pass away peacefully at 8:47 pm on 10/4. He was able to learn earlier in the day that he DID INDEED EARN HIS MASTERS OF EDUCATION @ the University of Oregon (Go Ducks… can’t believe I’m saying that as a diehard OSU Beavers’ fan, but they came through thank goodness in his final hours ). The Dean was on speakerphone and was able to share the news with Cecil, who cried tears of joy and relief to hear of that accomplishment. ❤️❤️ So glad to have that honor granted. Not soon after that, it was decided, by Cecil (and me), to help place him in comfort care, as the doctors had explained there was nothing more they could do. His kidneys and lungs were shutting down and his body was just… tired. My dad was able to get Lil’ Cecil out of school early and get him to the hospital to say his “goodbyes” and “I love you’s” to his awake and very cognizant daddy. It was heartbreaking but it was much needed and appropriate. My dad said his peace as well, and then took on the grandfather’s duty’s of caring for Lil’ Cecil while I took on the care of my husband… “through richer or poorer, through death do us part” (I’m pretty sure it was something like that 28+ years ago) After that, I never left Cecil’s side… at about 3 pm, I was joined by good friend, Wes Sheley, who was a fellow officiating brother of Cecil’s and also a Pastor, and what I didn’t know at the time was that Cecil had tasked Wes with not leaving my side and letting me face this burden alone of having to let my best friend go. So even if Cecil’s darkest hours, he was still selflessly thinking of me and my needs ❤️❤️❤️. So Wes stayed with me and Cecil and we were there to help Cecil be comfortable until Jennifer Felkins and Tucker Felkins were able to make the trip from California to be by his side. Cecil was surrounded by family. He knows he was loved. He obviously didn’t go the way he wanted, but he called all the shots down to the very end, and anybody that knows anything about Cecil knows that he went on his own terms. It is heartbreaking to lose my best friend of over 30 years, someone I’ve known for over half of my life, and the father of two heavenly babies (that I know he’s holding in his arms now) and our beautiful miracle, Lil’ Cecil, who is truly his “mini-me”… We genuinely appreciate all of your love, support and kindness through all of this. There WILL BE a memorial for Cecil, and there will be an official obituary soon to let you know the details. Thank you for reaching out. I know we will have needs. Right now, I just time to process what those needs are. ❤️
UPDATE (9/30) on Cecil Felkins:
So… in the middle of the night, they decided to move Cecil to the Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU) which is a positive step. ❤️ But he sends me a text @ 10 pm (9/29): “I’m being shifted to the other wing tonight.” And I kinda went “Momma Bear” mode on them, because nobody called me NOR told me yesterday when I went to visit at 4 pm that they might be moving him. Let’s just say that positive change is good, but change for someone who is having a hard time negotiating all of the changes with his disease can be daunting. Fortunately, Cecil is doing well this morning, despite the fact that I could not call and check on him (due to the stupid Verizon SOS outage… whatever is going on… )… anyways… if you want to visit Cecil, know that he’s still on Chemo protocol: 1. Don’t visit if you’re sick, 2. Wear a mask, 3. Hand sanitize. And he’s in IMCU on the 4th floor NOT ICU… opposite side of the waiting room. ❤️❤️ Still scheduled for chemo on Oct. 3rd, pending that his bloodwork continues to improve, which it is, and his body continues to stay strong! So, get your Deadpool shirts washed and ready! ❤️❤️❤️
Not to risk Facebook taking down another post (because I still think it took down a 8/19 update because of a song ), but this is a song that kind of sums up what we are up against with this next chemo treatment on Oct 3rd… We’ve got to HOPE and PRAY that Cecil’s body is able to take it on, and that he has enough GOOD, HEALTHY CELLS, but the chemo could also be detrimental to him. But when it comes down to it, when Cecil was given the choice (and the choice was truly his to make), do you lay there and let the cancer take you over OR do take a shot at HOPE and hold on for FAITH and PRAY that the chemo will work, and he will get a chance to keep going? Cecil is choosing to FIGHT! ❤️❤️ He truly is a WARRIOR, and this is his battle!!! ❤️ Thanks for fighting along with him!!!!
(Warrior - Hannah Kerr)
UPDATE (9/27) on Cecil Felkins:
Once again, my sincerest apologies for not posting an update sooner, but I have been getting my reports about Cecil via phone calls from nurses, doctors, texts and calls from visitors, as I have been fighting off my cold all week. Today (9/27) was the first day that I was feeling well enough to actually go in and see Cecil and talk to the doctors and nurses first hand since last Sunday. Most of the time I was getting my updates from our most dedicated and faithful visitor, Wes Sheley, who consistently provides reports about Cecil’s appetite (which is increasing), humor (coming back), breathing treatments (positive), and PT experiences (making progress). Wes has truly helped keep me at peace with not being able to be there consistently, as he has reassured me that Cecil is making progress… no matter how small, and he’s having positive days. ❤️❤️
With the positive though, there is still the uncertain, the unknown and the unpredictable with how Cecil’s body will react and respond to all that is going on. Cecil had one platelet transfusion on Monday, a second platelet transfusion on Wednesday, he’s has had a neutropenic fever most of the week and a low white blood count, but he’s still trying to maintain a positive attitude despite all of this. Cecil is scheduled for the 2nd round of chemo on October 3rd, which is tentative depending on how his body is feeling and how his overall health is. This is the FULL DOSE CHEMO… and the one that is really supposed attack the cancer cells, and we’ve assured the doctors that we want to move forward with aggressive treatment no matter what. We have to hold onto HOPE, FAITH, LOVE, and PRAYERS, and that this is the the HOPE we are holding on to for as long as we can! ❤️❤️ Here’s to STRENGTH for today and praying for HOPE for tomorrow! ❤️❤️
UPDATE (9/24) on Cecil Felkins:
Sorry for the delay in the update, but I have not been able to see Cecil since Sunday night as I have a slight cold which prevents me from going in to visit, since he is immune compromised, and is on a strict chemo protocol to prevent the risk of exposure to infectious diseases. So I’ve had to gather information via doctors and nurses’ calls and texts from visitors. This is what I’ve learned over the past two days…
Cecil’s white blood cells did drop significantly which is typical with chemo treatments, and they did a platelet transfusion on Monday (9/23)… also a typical procedure, just keep his body strong and help his blood count recover from the chemo treatment. Apparently, he is doing well after having the transfusion and he seems to even be breathing better overall.
There was an original plan to move him to the IMCU (Intermediate Care Unit) however, with his blood counts being what they are and his immune system being compromised, it was decided that it was best to just keep him in ICU, and we are definitely OKAY with the precautionary decision. ❤️ It’s honestly NOT a step backwards nor a standstill but rather just placing safety first.
Cecil is currently scheduled for his next round of chemo on October 3rd, so that gives you time to run out your your local Walmart and find a Deadpool shirt. ❤️ As always… keep up the faith, love, prayers and support! ❤️❤️
UPDATE (9/21) on Cecil Felkins:
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.” - Vince Lombardi (American Football Coach & NFL Executive, 1913 - 1970)
So on Saturday, September 7th, Cecil got “KNOCKED DOWN” about as hard as he could get hit, as he ended up in the ICU with the scare of not making it through the night to see September 8th. But here we are on Saturday, September 21st, three weeks later, and Cecil has amazed the ICU doctors, oncology doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and everyone else in the ICU wing who has interacted with him. ❤️❤️ Visitors who have seen him from the beginning of his ICU stay until most recently can testify that Cecil has shown significant improvement, and even small steps of progress seem like monumental accomplishments in the correct direction. ❤️ He finally got off his ventilator on Monday, September 16th, and has regained his voice and ability to talk and is feeling more comfortable verbalizing what he wants, needs and otherwise advocating for his own care. And despite his feisty attitude, Cecil has been encouraged and supported by a great team of professionals who are helping him to improve his nutrition, workload, and get him moving in the right direction. Between the ICU doctors and oncology doctors, they feel in some aspects, Cecil is almost ready to be transferred to the IMCU (Intermediate Care Unit) which is a step of MAJOR progress from 9/7 to now. However, Cecil still needs to be weaned off a couple of specific meds, and they are monitoring a couple of symptoms that present themselves as making Cecil still an ICU patient… FOR NOW… ❤️
Also… Cecil is currently neutropenic, which means his white blood cell count is down, due to his first round of in-house chemo, which he received on 9/11 and 9/15. He tolerated it well, but now he is in an immune compromised state which means he is now in chemo protocol, so IF you decide to visit, please be mindful of the following:
1. NO cold/flu symptoms… please don’t visit if you have any.
2. Hand sanitize before and after visiting.
3. Wear a mask (They have masks available outside his room.)
Otherwise… MAKE A VIDEO! ❤️ IT MAKES HIS DAY!!! ❤️❤️
Cecil is truly doing his best to “GET BACK UP” after being knocked down on Saturday, September 7th. ❤️❤️ Today (9/21) has been a good day… here’s HOPING and PRAYING that there are MORE GOOD DAYS AHEAD!!! ❤️
“FAITH, LOVE, HOPE, REPEAT” - by Brandon Health… a song we used to play for Lil’ Cecil when he was a little guy. Look it up on YouTube… I’d post the video link here… but I don’t want the Facebook police after me, if that’s what I did “wrong” to have my last update (9/19) removed last time.
UPDATE (9/19) on Cecil Felkins:
Cecil has had several very good days, since having the ventilator removed on Monday (9/16). Now with the good, there is always some apprehension, anxiety, fear, frustration, and scary moments (especially for Cecil) as he is trying to navigate his “new normal” and gain his confidence back from being completely bedridden for over 9 days… (from 9/7 to 9/16…). He does however have an AMAZING team of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, SLP’s, PT’s, OT’s, and consistent visitors who keep him motivated and encouraged. I am also sharing with him ALL the videos, photos, and comments of encouragement to help him feel loved and supported through the difficult hours especially. ❤️❤️
I’m putting together a photo album for Cecil on his phone of ALL videos and photos that people have sent, so he can have them to comfort him during his lonely, frustrating, or anxious times… so please, send those photos or videos of love and support directly to me, if you don’t want to post them. His smile is truly priceless. ❤️
“There’s Hope in Front of Me” - Danny Gokey… another artist that Cecil and I during an otherwise stormy time in our lives. We are still holding onto FAITH, HOPE, and PRAYERS as we navigate these stormy seas. ❤️ Thank you for continuing to support us throughout.
UPDATE on Cecil Felkins (9/17):
WOW! And I mean WOW!! Today was a GOOD DAY with a number of positive progressions and steps forward… ❤️ Cecil has been given a number of breathing treatments, and it seems that his lungs are up for the task to perform on their own without the ventilator. He is still supported by oxygen, however, his oxygen need decreased throughout the day went from 7 liters (the evening of the 16th) to 5 liters to 3 liters when I saw him the evening of the 16th. 9 days on the ventilator forces one to be evaluated by a SLP (speech & language pathologist) to make sure he can swallow properly before introducing solid food. Cecil was able to get lime Jello, lemon ice slushy, and his favorite treat of ice chips. The simple pleasures… ❤️❤️ He was also challenged to move today, as OT (occupational therapy) and PT (physical therapy) showed up today, had him sit up, move his feet and arms around, and planted the seed in his head that he would be standing and taking steps in the next day or two. 9 days bedridden can seriously take a toll on your body, but also one’s confidence to actually be able to do the things that one used to do. Again… today was a GOOD NEWS DAY! ❤️ Prayers of FAITH and HOPE that positive progress continues… no matter how small.
Also… IF anyone is considering visiting, there is a mask protocol in place, due to the fact that Cecil’s immune system may be compromised from the recent chemo administration. If you’re questioning whether or not to visit, please consider making a video instead. Cecil really LOVES those, and they make him smile.
Thank you for your FAITH, LOVE, PRAYERS, and SUPPORT! ❤️❤️
One day at a time…
Check out this video below “Praise You in This Storm” - Casting Crowns… we were fortunate to see them in concert around the time when we were going through another one of the “stormy” times in our lives. ❤️❤️
UPDATE on Cecil Felkins (9/16), from Julie Felkins.
FINALLY, Cecil’s fever was broken and on 9/15 Cecil was given the “all clear” to be able to receive the 2nd dose of his first round of Chemo. Healing prayers of FAITH and HOPE that this does some good in helping to decrease the cancer in his lungs. Apparently, that was the main goal was to help give Cecil the best chance of success for his lungs to be able to function properly off the ventilator before they removed the ventilator. Well, today (9/16) Cecil got the ventilator removed! ❤️ And now we just continue to go one day at a time and HOPE and PRAY for continued improvement… no matter how small. This is such a “Yo-Yo” journey… with many “ups & downs” …often in the same day. Cecil has enjoyed seeing all the videos and messages of support and encouragement (SO KEEP ‘EM COMING), and he is truly humbled to receive the LOVE, PRAYERS and UNWAVERING FAITH from such a diverse and widespread community. ❤️❤️ The visitors that he has had have lifted his spirits and kept him motivated to keep fighting. Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Now… as many have continued to ask about Lil’ Cecil and me, we are doing as best we can, and we have had AMAZING support of family and friends who have helped to give us time to try to “normalize” our days and do “normal” activities to allow us to have some “positive distraction” time… if only for a few hours or so. More than anything, we appreciate the community coming together to support us in that way. So, the photos I’ve posted IN THE COMMENTS are to let you know that WE (as a family) are “okay”… as I share all of these with Cecil, and let him know what each day brings for Lil’ Cecil. ❤️❤️❤️
Also, I keep hearing this song when I get in the car, and we all got to see Jason Mraz in concert at the Britt Festival on Aug 6th (one of our highlights from the summer)… No matter what, Lil’ Cecil… Daddy and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, and we want YOU to HAVE IT ALL! ❤️❤️❤️
Jason Mraz’ “Have It All” ❤️❤️
Update from JulieFelkins:
LONG POST… Cecil Felkins UPDATE: (9/10/2024) ❤️
In the 2 months (July 8th) since Cecil Felkins first heard he needed to see an oncologist and since I posted on August 23rd and opened up to our family and friends as to what was going on, I had been waiting to post something positive… and now we are face to face with “the cancerous beast” and Cecil is bravely taking it head on. On September 7th, Cecil had to be admitted to the hospital with breathing complications, was non-responsive and ended up in the ICU and being put on a ventilator. Since that time, he has been responsive, gesturing & signing, writing notes, smiling, mouthing “I Love You” to his son, me, and other family and he is otherwise fully aware and cognizant of his situation and surroundings. However, this aggressive and unforgiving cancer has metastasized further in his lungs which is causing the doctors to be reluctantly cautious about removing the ventilator because they are concerned that his lungs will not function as well as they should. Cecil’s only HOPE is that he endure one round (2 full days… 9/11 & 9/12) of in-house chemotherapy in the HOPE that it will break down some of the cancer that has ravaged his lung tissue, so that Cecil can be given the best possible fighting chance when the ventilator is removed. For those of you who know anything about the effects of chemotherapy… well, that alone could kill him… and that’s no joke. Now we are relying on HOPE, FAITH, and PRAYERS that his body responds in a positive manner. ❤️
Now on the crazy side of Julie Mack-Felkins’ mind… I’m sporting a Deadpool shirt tomorrow, and close family are as well, because for those of you who don’t know, Deadpool is a Superhero who has cancer (look it up). Call me crazy, and that’s okay, because at this point, my hero (my husband of 28-years), Lil’ Cecil’s hero (his daddy) is fighting for his life!!! ❤️ We need all the positive vibes, karma, faith, HOPE, and superhero strength we can get… WalMart $8.98. ❤️
What started as only muscle soreness in his leg and walking with a slight limp during the 2024 summer baseball season, seemed to transition rapidly… With an initial evaluation of his leg in July 2024 only several weeks had passed since 53-year-old Cecil Felkins was diagnosed in August 2024 with a soft tissue osteosarcoma in his left leg which had spread to other areas of his body, specifically his lungs. Cecil is now fighting a battle that is preventing him from doing his job as a principal at South Valley Academy in Rogue River and is also preventing him from officiating various sports, as his energy is best served to keep his head clear, lungs and heart healthy, and immune system strong so that he can handle the rigorous chemotherapy treatments that he now has to endure.
People have asked how they can help, and we are humbly asking for financial support towards extensive medical treatments (as insurance doesn’t cover everything), and to help support Cecil, Julie and Little Cecil with other bills and expenses as they accrue. Prayers and loving thoughts are always welcome. We will do our best to update you with progress as we go forward with this unexpected journey. Thank you! ❤️ #TeamCF
Update: 8/30/24 from family.
We are humbled by the outpouring of love, prayers and support we have received in such a short time. "Thank you" doesn't seem to cover it. The cancer journey for treatment has officially begun, as Cecil is being prepped for chemotherapy, and we are set up for a PET scan which will help determine whether the cancer has spread beyond his lungs. (Keeping with the positive prayers and vibes.) With a compassionate oncologist and oncology team just recently established here in Medford, we are taking the bull by the horns. In the words of John Wayne: “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
Organizer and beneficiary
Wendy Richter-Roberts
Rogue River, OR
Julie Mack-Felkins