Support Claire's Heart Surgery Journey
Donation protected
“A Heart of Gold”
Please help our cousin Claire. She needsheart surgery, and her doctor has referredher to Cedar Sainai in Los Angeles. Shehas a heart blockage that could be donehere. However, the doctor suspects shehas more and recommends she be treatedthere so that when they do her surgery,they can take care of everything they findall at once.
Those of you who know Claire can agreewith us that she has a heart of gold. She isalways quick to help family and friends,never asking for anything, even if she hasissues of her own. For financial reasons,she has been putting this surgery off, andis now reaching out to all of us for help.Medicare will cover the surgery andmedications, but with a co-pay, and onlyup to a certain limit for her hospital stay.She must fund her own travel andexpenses, as well as nearby hotelaccommodations while she continueswith follow-up outpatient treatment aftershe is released from the hospital. Weknow it's been difficult for her, and evenmore difficult to ask for help.Anything youcan give towards her cause is greatlyappreciated. God bless you for yourgenerosity and compassion.
Mary Taijeron
Sierra Vista, AZ