Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Support Community Recovery with Essential Supplies

Spende geschützt
Jonathan Harris-Hunter Abbott
from Fillmore, NY, owner of
Robin Hood Home Improvements

Taking donations to buy supplies and fuel to get to Asheville, NC, as close as we can to give to a community torn apart.

We have a few set up spots for

Precision Auto in Belmont - Jeffrey Chamberlain

Fillmore at the 4 corners

My shop located at 6866 Shongo Valley Rd, Fillmore

Taking water, batteries, food,

We have a few big trailers and semis on standby. We don’t know how big and giving people will become over the next few days. We just wanna help as much as we can!

Any funds left over will be donated to
churches to help with recovery.




Jonathan Harris
Fillmore, NY

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt