Support Deputy Lawes
On Sunday, August 8th Deputy Eric Lawes went to work like every normal shift as a Polk County Sheriff. What started as a normal shift would change his life forever.
That night, Deputy Lawes was responding to reports of disturbance at Economy Motor Lodge in Dundee, FL. During the call, Deputy Lawes stopped a man riding a bicycle with no lights. He asked the man his name and the man began to give a name with multiple incorrect spellings acting very suspicious. He asked the man if he had any weapons on him at which then the man lifted his shirt and revealed to him what looked like a metal pipe tucked in his belt loop.
As Deputy Lawes attempted to grab the weapon, the suspect reached for it as well. Deputy Lawes grabbed the device with his left hand trying to prevent the suspect from obtaining it. As he grabbed it, the “pipe” exploded. The metal pipe turned out to be some type of homemade firearm that blew through the deputy’s hand. “I saw my pointer finger go flying and my middle finger just hanging by the skin,” said Deputy Lawes.
Attempts were made that night to save the hand, but he ultimately ended up loosing his pointer finger and middle off his left hand. Though grateful to still have his life and be able to go home to his family, everything changed.
Deputy Lawes is a loving husband and father of 3 beautiful children. He has been with the Sheriffs department for 7 years. Though home recovering, the future holds a lot of uncertainties. Deputy Lawes hopes to get back to doing what he loves serving the community, but nothing right now is certain.
The money being raised is to help the family’s future financial securities. Medical expenses are currently being covered by the department, but the future still holds many questions . The Money raised will be used to maintain the families normal standards of living, any uncovered medical cost (possibly prosthesis) and saved for the future. Deputy Lawes had hopes of working his way up and retiring from the department. There is no telling if he will be able to continue to work for the department or if he will be forced to alter his career path. We want the family focused on healing and not concerned about the their financial future.