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Support Doug Hagin's Caregiving Journey

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UPDATE 8-12-24
Just pedaling on the same cycle here my friends. Of course, mom needs to be in the nursing home. Her mind is hazy, and she has already fallen once. Luckily she was not hurt, but, at least there she has someone to pick her up. I am just incapable of getting her off of the floor. My knee is swollen, and cannot take the strain frankly. In fact, here is what my knee looks like

Actually, that was taken couple of weeks ago I think, but it looks the same. But it hurts a lot worse.

Yes, I know, sexy right? I have to be carefull because any type of sidewards movement hurts like Hell

Back to mom. When she gets out of the nursing home is a mystery. When I could get a knee replacement is up in the air. We meet with a Social worker next Wednesday to try and figure out where mom goes after the nursing home. What will happen there I have no clue. Is there any way we can get her in a long term facility without her having to sell the house? Again, no clue.

Lots of questions, and the answers will come in time. So, what do we need? PRAYERS. Plenty of those. And, also, money. We seem to be close to out. And our next check is next Wednesday. Nine days to go and not enough money to get there. So. Let me put that link up again. And please consider giving.

Thank You and, more updates coming, and yes prayers please

UPDATE 8-10-24
Well, just found out that my mom is being cut loose from the hospital and, will be taken to a nursing home near us. For how long, I cannot say, but I am hoping they can do her some good while she is there. Especially on the mental side of things.

The people there have done her good before, and treated her well. Maybe being back there will make her feel more at home.

More updates when I get them.

UPDATE 8-8-24
Not much to update today. Just waiting to hear some news, as to when mom is to be released, or if they have at least an idea. Would be easier if the hospital was not so far away. But, hospitals have their own schedule, so, I wait and pray for the best

UPDATE for 8-6-24
Heard from the hospital today. The physical therapist was asking what mom is capable of, as far as exercise goes. To be honest, mom loves exercise, and would benefit from someone working with her while she is in the hospital. And, hopefully after she is sent home as well.
I would walk with her, I loved hiking, and went to Colorado to hike every year, and there is a flat nice walking train very close to the house. But, my legs are good for 15 minutes maybe, then they start cramping. And hurt like heck. And combine that with my left knee. Which is the doctor says is bone on bone Walking is not for me. But, I would still love to get mom out and walk what I could. Anyway, I am going to encourage her to exercise as much as she can, and maybe we can work something out.

Other than that. Moms mental state remains the most troubling and worrisom area. I think regular exercise would not hurt at all.

Still no word when they will release her. Or if the nursing home will take her. Nor for how long. Hope and pray for the best

And yes, money is still a major issue so give if you are able and spread the word to others. Every little bit helps, and yes, we need help. So, go visit the donate page, pass the word, and thanks

UPDATE for 8-5 24
So the hospital tells me they are looking for a nursing home for mom whenever they release see her. I am unsure if Medicare will pay for that. They only cover a certain number of days in a given period.
A nursing home is the best option. For her and for my broken down body. If not, she will be here with me, andcI will do my best
Keep y'all posted. Please remember We are really in need of donations so please give if able. God Bless
Doug Hagin

Latest Update Sunday 8-4-24
Spokewith the charge nurse a while ago. Here is the rundown
1- Treating foot wounds with antibiotics
2- They are going to do another MRI, as well as some more testing on her brain to look for problems.

3- She has had some issues with confusion at times. That is not new. And some problems with motor skills. THIS is new. This is especially worrisome, as you can imagine. She seems to be unsure doing things that people do all the time.

I have no idea how long they will keep her, or what they will conclude. So, please continue to pray And yes. Please donate to help, Thank You very much As I have said, I hate to ask for help, but, the reality of our situation leaves me no choice.
Again Thank You All

Latest Update. Friday August 2, 2024
No updates from doctors yet. I expect some sort of news about her feet, and what they have found. She has dialysis today. So. I have no idea as to any time frame for that.
It feels odd not to know her schedule. Since I am always in charge of everything. It gives me rest but just feels odd. When I get updates, I will update.

On the fund raising side, we still are well behind on bills and in need of the kindness of those who can help. It us difficult to ask for help, but it isca necessity for us right now. Thank you again

Mom is getting dialysis in the hospital tomorrow, Friday. They did more tests on her, so they can get her feet treatment for whatever infection is there. They said she is doing better,which, I guess, is the news I like. Expect another update tomorrow. And YES our checking account is shrinking. Hate to keep bringing up money. But........

NEW UPDATE July is in hospital she suffered a seizure Las night

Last night mom started complaining about her right foot hurting. She has had a nurse visit for a few weeks to treat/bandage some wounds on her right foot. Her leg was reddish, so I called 911, and they came took her to the local hospital.

I waited for the local hospital to call. And waited, and ended up falling asleep. The phone woke me just before 6 AM. It was a doctor informing me mom was OK. And will be in the hospital a few days. Then, he told me mom had had a seizure, apparently in the ambulance, and they decided to take her to Richmond, about 75 miles away. Apparently, her foot wounds have them concerned

I am waiting for updates now. That is all I know right now


She is in Chippenham hospital in Richmond. No update from the doctors though. Still waiting. Please pray, and yes, please donate as well

More updates later has been way to hot for that past few days.

I moved my mom here from Texas at the very end of 2019. She is unable to be left alone, per doctor's orders. She has diabetes, gets dialysis, and is suffering from memory and confusion issues. I am her caregiver, and it is, as you might expect, a challenge. Handling the finances has become a major challenge. Her Social Security is barely enough each month. And after cutting back on groceries as much as we can, we are sweating the end of each month. We usually make it OK. These past few months though, have proven increasingly tough, and we are just sinking a bit more each month.

So, long story short, I am hoping to raise enough so that we have some cushion each month. Right now it is pray and hold on each month.

My health is bad as well. My doctor tells me I need a knee replacement. I have Medicaid, which, I believe would pay for it. But, if I am bedridden I cannot prepare meals and get mom to her doctor appointments or dialysis. This is a great concern for me. Increasingly. I have real issues staying on my feet. I have a brother-in-law that takes her to dialysis, sometimes, that helps a bit but if he can't, her Medicare does not pay for transportation, which runs about $70 round trip.
And now, my car needs a new battery, and key fob apparently, and it is another 8 days until her Social Security check gets deposited.
As you can see, the needs outpace our funds, and, until my knee is fixed, I am increasingly bedridden.

If you could please help, we could have enough money to fix the car, the laptop. Right now that would be a bonus. The main aim is to stop falling behind on bills and to be able to have some stability. I only am asking for help to get able to regain our feet, and remain standing.

Please consider giving, Doug Hagin

Well, just spent our last cash on groceries. Those need to last until next Wednesday when moms check gets deposited. Her home health nurse was here at 10 this morning, as usual moms feet were the bug issue. Nurse was concerned about place on moms heel. So, pray about that if you would.

More updates coming

Update. So, mom has decided that adult diapers are, well, optional. Most of the time, hygiene has not been an issue, but now, I have to be there when she gets dressed because she might forget the diaper. It is not her fault, but just sad. I am grateful she does as well as she does
Her appetite, is still really good, although she sometimes forgets that she just ate, and swears she is hungry. Well, time for her to get ready for Dialysis. So, more updates later

UPDATE The most frustrating issue with my mom is the memory issues. She has a Rollerator, has has it for several years. And uses it. The issue, however, is in the mornings while she is sitting watching TV. After checking her sugar, I use that rollerator to help me and my blown knee and bad feet get around to fix her breakfast. It usually not a lengthy process. But, these days she refuses to just sit while I make her food. She has to be up walking around. And she fusses because I will not buy a second one to use for me. Truth is I would, except we cannot afford one. And this has become a morning routine. Me, trying to hobble around and make her food, and her fussing at me about it.

Then there is the thing she does now, where she takes one sock off, usually the foot that has had several surgeries, and puts her shoes back on sans-sock. Anyway, her home health nurse will arrive soon, so time to clean up moms dishes and argue about using her Rollerator to take them to the kitchen and wash them.

Today is a big day. First, the home health nurse said moms feet look in prettu good shape. I was concerned about her left heel, but the nurse seemed positive
Now, to the money. Please consider Any donation you make today before this evening, can be in our bank tomorrow morning.
And that could help cover some costs, like utilities, and transportation to dialysis for mom. That, of course is a big one. It costs $70 which is not bad, considering it is round trip. I will have to cancel the ride if no more funds hit the bank before morning. So please consider helping. Again, God bless and thanks

UPDATE This morning, mom was so confused. She did not seem to understand how to change her shirt, or to get down the front stairs, or even get in the ride shares car. Some days she is right there, plugged in, but today, not a good day. She should be home soon. Hopefully she is more clear……prayers appreciated, and yes, donations are too. Thanks so much

UPDATE 2. So, I might to host a new fundraiser, just for adult diapers. Which my mom keeps destroying before she ever wears them.and, the confusion from earlier is still there. When she got home, I sat her in her favorite chair. And started her lunch. A ham and Havarti cheese which I fly in from Krogerrovia every week, sandwich. With a dill pickle and a salad of lettuce, fresh from the Iceberg. A Roma tomato, and sliced English Cucumber, which is a lot like an American cucumber but more snooty. And ranch dressing. However my mom kept getting up and trying to walk, without her walker while she quizzed me about my restaurant (the kitchen). So. The confusion is worse.

Did I mention a need for more money…… PLEASE DONATE, thank you!
prayers appreciated, and yes, donations are too. Thanks so much

So, her mind is going the wrong way, sad to say. So, is there a point coming where I will have to ” put her somewhere”, which is what so many people call rest homes? If so, how much would that cost?


WELL, I M back, my home internet went away Saturday, and so did my cell phone for the most part

I am back, again, partially, and, will be able to provide more updates... .

  • Mom is in dialysis right now, my brother in- law gave her a ride, and I have some time. The heat here in Virginia has been miserable, but I think we are getting a break. Now it is time for groceries, and an attempt to get a battery for my car, and look into a getting key fob.
More updates later
Thanks, Doug Hagin


  • Anonymous
    • $45
    • 3 mos
  • Paul Schmidt
    • $25
    • 3 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $15
    • 3 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 3 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 3 mos


Michael Hagin
Pamplin, VA

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