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Fund For Dove's Recovery, Med Bills, & Possible Back Surgery

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Hi there!

I've known Dove and Jessi for over 5 years, and have seen first hand the challenges these two have faced in that time frame. They have had so much rough luck with sickness, loss, job security, and Dove's chronic health issues. They are both beautiful, loving people, who bring so much joy to everyone in their lives, and work to make the world a better place on a daily basis. I am hoping we can come together as a community and help Dove and Jess again as they face this most recent hurdle.

Dove is currently heading towards a week in the hospital for severe chronic back issues, including herniated discs, degeneration, and compressed sciatic nerves that is causing a host of other issues including paralysis and numbness. They arrived at the ER with emergently high blood pressure, fever, disorientation, and unmanageable blood sugars because of the level of pain they were experiencing. They were admitted by neurosurgery and received a rash of procedures including a lumbar epidural to try to control this pain. There is talk of potential surgical intervention, which the hospital is trying to put off as long as possible.

It's not clear when they'll be released from the hospital, or how long they'll need to stay. Jess is self-employed after being laid off earlier this year and doing their best to balance keeping work projects while being there for Dove.

These two are going to be facing some intense medical bills even if Dove is released tomorrow, which seems unlikely. They may eventually need to take unpaid leave from work for recovery, or for surgery--and Jess has also lost significant wages. The copays on the medications they will need, hospital bills, lost wages, and potential need for unpaid time coupled with the bad luck they have both experienced economically has left them in a tough position.

The goal of this fundraiser is to help create some breathing room so Dove can recover without stressing about medical bills and living expenses. We want Dove to rest at the hospital, and be in a good position in the next few weeks if surgery is necessary, so that if they need to take unpaid time off work they can do so without any stress!

We know for sure the medical bills will be at least 4-5k based on their current out of pocket max, but of course may end up costing more. The rest is a cushion for things like groceries, ordering food, medicine copays, living expenses, mortgage, dog food, extra animal care and cleaning help if needed-- etc.

Dove and Jess are so incredibly thankful for every donation and of course, sharing if you can't donate right now! Every little bit helps!

You can also find Dove on venmo: @dovesally if direct donation feels better.

Thank you!



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  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 10 d
  • cecilia mancia-vasquez
    • $5
    • 30 d
  • Isabel Motivans
    • $35
    • 1 mo
  • Claire Golding
    • $15
    • 1 mo
  • Jasmine Lorenz
    • $32
    • 1 mo

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Eva Wood
St. Paul, MN
Dove Hall

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