Support Dudok Quartet Amsterdam during COVID-19
Thank you for visiting the GoFundMe page of the Dudok Quartet Amsterdam!
This profile was created during the spring of 2020, in order to find to private funding for projects that could replace the 60+ concerts that where cancelled during the first surge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Dudok Quartet Amsterdam never received structural government funding or subsidies. Our income budget, for funding the r&d and other activities mentioned above has always relied fully on (re-)investments of concert fees and on donations to our foundation, the Friends Of The Dudok Quartet Amsterdam. Click here to read more about our foundation.
If you would like to make a one-time donation to support us in this difficult time, we are really grateful for your support trough this GoFundMe page!
Check out our Facebook , Instagram, YouTube and Spotify-channels to keep up to date with what we do during a year without touring. We look forward to return to a stage such as the one below as soon as possible!
Het Dudok Quartet Amsterdam ontving nooit structurele subsidies. Ons volledige inkomen kwam uit concerten en donaties aan de stichting Vrienden van het Dudok Quartet Amsterdam. Als je meer wilt weten over onze Vrienden, klik dan hier . Wil je een eenmalige donatie doen? Dat kan het beste via deze GoFundMe-pagina. Heel veel dank voor al jullie support!