Support Edward's Recovery from Animal Abuse
Tax deductible
Please help Edward on his road to recovery from horrific animal abuse. My name is Jess Zorge and I am the Founder/President of Raptor Tales Rescue a veteran run all volunteer 501 c 3 non profit. The rescue is located in Shrewsbury Massachusetts. On the evening of Jan 23 rd, I received an adult male hawk from Paxton, MA. I quickly realized both of his wings and his tail had been sheared off leaving him flightless and unable to defend himself. This was 100% intentional based on the number of feathers cut and how clean it appears. We do not know why someone would abuse a wild animal this way but we know he will be getting the best care possible on his road to recovery. Feather trauma this severe can take up to two years as we wait for his feathers to molt and replace. There is no guarantee Edward will ever fly again. His feathers that were sheared feathers and tail need to be present in order to fly, perch and balance. His cost as a patient will be enormous for that length of time and we are looking for support. It costs us hundreds of dollars a month already to feed our current patients and we could really use your help with this new addition. The outpouring of support for Edward has been heart warming. This is an active investigation with Massachusetts Environmental Police. We urge anyone with information to call [phone redacted] or call us at [phone redacted] 24/7. We also have been in touch with MassWildlife, Paxton, MA Police, and US Gosh and Wildlife. Please share and help support Edward recover from this horrific and disturbing abuse. All donations are tax deductible. To purchase a gift card directly from rodent pro, visit this website and use our email address as the recipient [email redacted]: https://www.rodentpro.com/giftcard/We have several other ways to donate as well. Venmo: @raptortalesrescue and PayPal:
Edward in the news:

Jessica Zorge
Shrewsbury, MA
Raptor Tales Rescue Inc