Support Ekklesia Oromia to complete building for orphans
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Ekklesia Oromia, in collaboration with partnering churches, organizations, and diaspora communities abroad, strives to provide for the needs of vulnerable communities in Oromia. It envisions orphans, widows, the disabled, and elderly living with dignity and actualizing their God-given potential to further contribute to their communities and country.
The Orphans Village will mainstream orphans, widows, the disabled, and elderly communities without proper care and attention in the Ekklesia Oromia Bojjii Elderly and Orphan Village, located in Western Oromia at Billaa Town. Based on its short-term goals, the Village aims to provide care, support, and protection for 50 orphans & street children. The long-term vision of Ekklesia Oromia is to create a self-sustaining community that will continue to maintain the services of the Village and expand to reach more vulnerable populations in Oromia.
Ekklesia Oromia
Minneapolis, MN
Ekklesia Oromia