Stand for Elvira Health
Donation protected
hola mi nombre es Olivia Marrufo , estoy Organizando este gofoundme, Con el permiso de la familia de Elvira Puentes , ella tubo una Cirugia Craneal por Cisticercossis Cerebral mas Crisis Convulsivas Refractarias el -10 de Mayo-2024 ocupamos el apoyo para gastos de cirugia y tratamiento , Ya Que Ella Se Encuentra En Coma ocupamos de la ayuda de todos ustedes , ella es madre Soltera Madre de 3 hijos, Como ella misma antes de su Cirugia mensiono, que nesesitaba el apoyo para que su sirugia se yebara acabo , ya que ella queria vivir mas para sus hijos , ella tiene tiempo luchando con las Convulsiones Cerebrales , Hoy por ella ❤️Dios los bendiga❤️
Hello, my name is Olivia Marrufo, I am organizing this gofoundme. With the permission of Elvira Puentes' family, she had Cranial Surgery for Cerebral Cysticercossis plus Refractory Seizures on May 10, 2024, we are providing support for surgery and treatment expenses. Since she is in a coma we take care of the help of all of you, she is a single mother, mother of 3 children, as she herself mentioned before her surgery, that she needed the support so that her surgery could be completed, since she wanted live more for her children, she has had time fighting with Cerebral Seizures, Today for her and God bless you
She’s Hospitalized In Durango Mexico I will transfers the Founds to them❤️
Maria O Marrufo
Windsor, CO