Support Families & Restaurants in the Poconos
Tax deductible
Community Cares Certificates
Local businesses and families in Monroe County, PA are struggling due to the closures from COVID-19. Pocono Mountains United Way launches the Community Cares Certificate fundraiser to support families in need as well as locally owned establishments. Simply donate in increments of $25. If you would like to choose a specific restaurant, please COMMENT BELOW or email [email redacted].*
We will use your donation to purchase a $25 gift certificate for a family in need. There will be no administration or overhead fees. You are supporting local businesses AND local families in need!
*Local establishment must be able to produce, and mail certificates as directed by Pocono Mountains United Way. If your chosen restaurant cannot provide a certificate, another restaurant will be chosen. Certificates will be provided to individuals and families that are existing clients of Women’s Resources, Pocono Services for Families and Children, Pocono Area Transitional Housing, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network and Pocono Mountains United Way.
Please Donate and show your Monroe County community you care. #PoconoProud
View more info and helpful resources for our community here: Pocono Mountains United Way COVID-19 Response

More information about Pocono Mountains United Way: Pocono Mountains United Way's Mission is to build partnerships to improve lives and provide solutions to those struggling with life's challenges. Whether it is helping people have access to healthy foods, providing support for working families, or giving help when needed most, Pocono Mountains United Way works with local partners to achieve sustainable impact and leverages resources to make a measurable difference to improve people's lives.
Local businesses and families in Monroe County, PA are struggling due to the closures from COVID-19. Pocono Mountains United Way launches the Community Cares Certificate fundraiser to support families in need as well as locally owned establishments. Simply donate in increments of $25. If you would like to choose a specific restaurant, please COMMENT BELOW or email [email redacted].*
We will use your donation to purchase a $25 gift certificate for a family in need. There will be no administration or overhead fees. You are supporting local businesses AND local families in need!
*Local establishment must be able to produce, and mail certificates as directed by Pocono Mountains United Way. If your chosen restaurant cannot provide a certificate, another restaurant will be chosen. Certificates will be provided to individuals and families that are existing clients of Women’s Resources, Pocono Services for Families and Children, Pocono Area Transitional Housing, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network and Pocono Mountains United Way.
Please Donate and show your Monroe County community you care. #PoconoProud
View more info and helpful resources for our community here: Pocono Mountains United Way COVID-19 Response

More information about Pocono Mountains United Way: Pocono Mountains United Way's Mission is to build partnerships to improve lives and provide solutions to those struggling with life's challenges. Whether it is helping people have access to healthy foods, providing support for working families, or giving help when needed most, Pocono Mountains United Way works with local partners to achieve sustainable impact and leverages resources to make a measurable difference to improve people's lives.
Lucas De Bartolo
Stroudsburg, PA
Pocono Mountains United Way