Support For 5 Points Employees
Covid-19 restrictions have, seemingly overnight, turned our business upside down.
Since the onset of this crisis, Brian and I have had 2 priorities; keeping our employees afloat (economically and in health) & trying to keep our business above water.
Our 35 employees are being greatly affected by recent mandates for restaurant closure.
We’re doing everything in our power to stay open, adapt & thrive in the face of this new reality, but many of our staff are simply experiencing a huge reduction in income.
We’ve investigated the realities of unemployment for our employees. Most of our crew would bring in only $122 dollars a week on unemployment. It is therefore the decision of the vast majority of our staff to stay on and adapt with us.
We are transitioning our farm into an employee CSA, but it’s not nearly enough. We are paying payroll taxes for them but it’s not enough. We are in the midst of applying for emergency relief loans for employees and for the business, but that’s not enough.
As you likely know, most service industry professionals live firmly in a paycheck to paycheck existence & rely heavily on tipped income. Our front of house staff are especially negatively impacted, as there are no tables to wait. We’ll be employing servers as delivery drivers in the near future but we’re not sure how lucrative that will be either (everything is an experiment for the time being).
We ask that you consider giving in these trying times to help 5 Points staff pay their bills & rents, and afford groceries and other essentials, if you are able to give what you might normally leave in a 2-4 week window of dining at 5 points, that would be wonderful. The amount we’re attempting to raise is a normal 2 week payroll.
We ask that you give to others in the service industry who you normally support as well, if you are able. The Tucson F&B industry is burdened - and financial insecurity is extremely stressful.
It’s a hard time to be where we are- on the brink of enormous growth and stopped in our tracks with no safety net. We hope you’ll help us take care of our beautiful, vibrant crew.
We really hope we make it to the other side of this to share more laughs, smiles, nourishing meals, farmers markets & innovations with you.
You all are our extended family, our community, our lifeblood. Thank you for supporting us now and always. We love you.