On October 30, 2018 an unimaginable tragedy happened. Our sweet and beautiful Adelisa died. She turned 21 on September 16th, full of life, energy and dreams. She was always smiling, loved people and was compassionate towards everyone she met. Kids always gravitated to her and she was a natural with them. The pain her parents are experiencing is a suffering that no parent should have to endure. A mother and father have lost their oldest daughter and a young sister has lost her best friend. No longer will they feel the love in her hugs, see the warmth in her smile or hear the excitement in her voice. Her parents are so hardworking and came to the United States to give their children a better life. They work tirelessly and always help others from the bottom of their hearts.
Your donations and generosity will help the family during this tragic time. We thank you for your genoristy, thoughts and prayers.