Support for Anna Joy
Anna Joy was severely injured in a vehicle accident early morning on October 31 while commuting to work, which severed her legs above the knee and caused multiple internal injuries. She and her husband also lost their unborn child in the accident. She is currently stable but critical in the Surgical ICU at University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, and she has not woken up yet. We have so many amazing friends praying for her to heal, but as the first week has passed, we have noticed some unexpected expenses that will affect Anna’s immediate family in the weeks and months to come.
Anna, her husband David, and 6yo daughter LouAna live about an hour away from the hospital. David travels every day back and forth from the hospital, so he can continue her daughter LouAna’s daily routine as much as possible.
David will be incurring many expenses that will not be covered by health insurance (travel and food expenses while away from home, high parking fees at the hospital, missed time at work, modifications to their home to make it accessible, etc). The family is not sure yet what additional expenses they may encounter or what support is needed, but we do know that there will be many and we want to try and support David and LouAna as much as possible to take care of unexpected expenses. It is unknown how long Anna will be in the hospital at this time, but it will more than likely be greater than a month.
If you cannot donate at this time, we ask that you please pray for her healing, for her husband’s continued strength, and for her daughter LouAna’s courage and faith that her mommy will be okay.
Love and many thanks,
Anna’s Family
Update #1: November 8, 2019. Anna is getting prepped to go back to surgery to close her amputations. She still has still not woken up yet, but the night nurse said she opened her eyes a couple times last night when she said her name. I’m not sure if it’s reflexive, but it is positive progress. I just got to talk to David for the first time about his insurance costs. Their catastrophic injury deductible is $11,000 before their insurance starts to cover anything. I had set a conservative goal, but now I am a little more informed, so I have decided to increase the goal to take as much stress off of David as I can.