Given custody of my neices and nephew
Donation protected
Typically I wouldn't create something like this but I've learned to ask for and receive help when needed. On December 10th I was given permanent guardianship of my two neices ages 4yrs old, 8 yrs old and my nephew 12 yrs old. I am a single mom to 2 kids of my own, also ages 8 & 12. So now I have 5 kids to care for. It's a big undertaking but a labor of love. I'm extremely grateful my neices and nephew are safe and stable finally, they have experienced more trauma and loss in their few short years than most people do in a lifetime. They lost their grandmother, then their grandfather- my dad, their mother is away and unable to pursue reunification until July 2025, and then they lost their father in a tragic accident when he was hit and killed by a train on November 22nd. They've been through so much and I thank God He brought them to me so I can help them heal and grow. But I'm very realistic that it takes a village under normal circumstances and these are not normal circumstances. There will be extra costs from water, electric, foods, daycare, & many other things that come along with raising small humans. Selling my vehicle and getting a "mommy-van". The state will provide some assistance, but this will help offset some of financial burden that I will incur. If it's on your heart to donate or share this, THANK YOU. It means more than words could ever say and if you will please pray for these kids and my family as we try to adjust to this "new normal". Thank you. I know God has us all in the palm of His hand and will provide and meet our needs. In creating this campaign I'm just trying to do footwork that He put on my heart to do. Thank you all. So much love.
Annie Perron
Eustis, FL