Rally for Brody
This is Brody Dery. Brody is an outgoing, happy and amazing 11-year-old boy.
Brody’s family has just found out that he has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, cancer of the lymphatic system.
This brave boy has been battling with health issues for the last few years due to a diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease. As a result, he has been dealing with many gastrointestinal issues that have caused him to have a hard time gaining and maintaining weight.
Over the last few years, Brody has had to be home from school a lot and has had to attend many doctors appointments (many of which are in Vancouver). As a result, Randi (mom) has had to quit working to support her child and her child’s health.
With Brody’s new diagnosis, this will mean many more trips to Vancouver.
As they do not qualify for many of the supports offered, you can only imagine the undue financial stress this puts on the family during what is already the worst time imaginable.
Christmas is coming up and it’s been a hard year with COVID, let’s all stand behind this family during what has been undoubtedly the hardest year of their life.
We know that Brody is going to rally right through treatment to recovery, because he’s a warrior.
So Let’s Rally Behind Brody❤️❤️❤️
Alene Moscrip, Britney Rumbaugh and Raelynn Martin