Support for Bryson & Nancy after Tragic Loss
On May 10th, Isaiah Fike unexpectedly passed away at the age of 40. Isaiah was a dedicated, loving husband, father, son, and friend. Funeral Arrangements are going to be held in Indiana.
Isaiah was married to Nancy, and they had one son, Bryson. Nancy and Bryson have been living in Madison, MS while Isaiah has been traveling out of state to work. As Bryson has just completed the fifth grade at Madison Ridgeland Academy, they were looking to move this summer to be closer to family.
With all of the emotional pain and stress that a death brings, it also brings financial burdens. We are trying to raise money for Nancy and Bryson to help with any costs that will be incurred from unexpected travel and missed work. Please help to ease any stress on the family caused by outstanding costs of the funeral and what comes afterwards.
It is in these times of loss and sadness when you see people coming together to help one another make it through, to support the people we care for. We are thankful for any support you may be able to provide. We also encourage everyone to keep their family in their thoughts and prayers.