Support for Eric's family during this difficult time.
Donation protected
Hey everyone! As many of you know, Eric was in an accident on June 1st, on his way home from volunteering at church, that ultimately ended his life here on earth but gave him his wings to eternal life with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
If you knew Eric, you knew how much his heart was dedicated to the church and serving the Lord. He was truly a blessing to all. Not only was he such an important part at home, we're told by MANY that he was an important part of his family through Christ at Freedom Valley Church. Like someone said previously, "we ALL have truly been affected by Eric's servant heart one way or another, even if we didn't know it." He was THEE definition of a servants heart!
Another comment that stuck was "Eric was so faithful. Eric’s example has always inspired me. He could have used a multitude of excuses to not be engaged/involved, but he didn’t. He pressed past his limitations and drew from God’s deep well as he worked with, served and loved God’s people," specially his youth students that he served and loved relentlessly.
Eric was the true reflection of who Christ wants us all to be.
No one was prepared or expected this to happen for YEARS to come, so getting arrangements prepared was rightfully never at the top of the agenda. With that being said, any amount would be helpful to my grandmother to diminish the cost of everything during this already difficult time. Even if you can't donate, prayers will help get us through. My grandmother also loves a meal she doesn't have to cook and that was something Eric very often did for her, so even a meal would be super helpful to my grandmother.
P.S. this was shared with me from the first person on scene and thought it appropriate to share here.
"""""""I was standing at our counter looking towards the window and saw it happen. I was the first one to his car just seconds after it happened. And I can tell you he didn’t suffer at all. Not even for a minute. He was unconscious so he didn’t feel anything or know what was happening. He went straight into Gods arms.
He was not alone. People were surrounding him and praying for him instantly. There were people walking down the street who ran over, we all ran out to him from the restaurant, people in their cars who saw it got out and ran over. Everyone prayed while others were trying to help.
It was not what you picture when you hear about a car accident. I don’t know how to say this appropriately but he didn’t look hurt other than a mark on his forehead. But we prayed, every one did. I put my hand on his crucifix on his car and prayed. He was surrounded by so much love from so many strangers. We were all with him, and I know God was with him too because he didn’t let him suffer.
We can’t put into words how sorry we are. Please just know that you have a lot of people in the community praying for you all today."""""""

Ashley Sterner
East Berlin, PA