Support for Families to Recover from the Fire
On Friday morning, August 27, families at the 1500 block of West Fairmount Ave woke up to fire overtaking their homes. Thank God everyone got out safe, but almost everything inside the homes was lost due to the fire and water damage. Several families, including families with children and multi-generational households, some renters and some homeowners, got displaced and lost almost all of their possessions.
Neighbors in Franklin Square and other areas are coming together to support the families in tangible ways. The Franklin Square Community Association is helping coordinate some of this support, and collecting donations through this GoFundMe Campaign to support the affected families, particularly those with children, so they can reacquire some of what they've lost.
Would you come alongside the neighbors and the community and donate towards this cause? We so appreciate your support to the families.
NOTE: It is not mandatory to donate an extra percentage to GoFundMe. When you donate, you can choose 'other' and put any amount you want, including zero '0'.
For non-financial donations and support check this file, which we'll keep updated as needs evolve: https://bit.ly/franklinsquarefamilies