Support for Firefighter Kyle Trombly's Family
Tax deductible
We are saddened to share the off-duty death of Firefighter Kyle Trombly, who passed away after suffering injuries in a motor vehicle crash today. Trombly, aged 34, was a 13-year member of the fire district, joining Arvada Fire in 2011. He started his fire service journey volunteering at Fairmount Fire until joining Arvada Fire. Most recently, Trombly served out of Station 1 A Shift from January 2023 to present. He also served at Station 4 in his career. Trombly was an active member of the Arvada Fire Honor Guard. Kyle was a great friend to many. He leaves a lasting impression on all of those who were lucky to serve with him. Please keep Kyle's family and loved ones and our entire Arvada Fire family in your thoughts.
Seth Smith
Arvada, CO
Arvada Professional Fire Fighters Foundation