Support for Gandhi Mahal Restaurant in Minneapolis
WE MET OUR INDIVIDUAL GOAL! I created this campaign to support Ruhel and his family before the restaurant set up its own. If you came to my page looking to donate, please go to Gandhi Mahal Revival Fundraiser — I am in contact with ownership and will be sending them the funds I raised directly. I am noting all communication with Gandhi Mahal and will document my transaction to assure contributors their money is going straight to this cause.
Thank you!
During the riots in Minneapolis, MN, the Ghandi Mahal Restaurant caught fire. Please donate to support the rebuilding of this local business who's owner, Ruhel Islam, believes in justice for George Floyd's death enough that he was willing to choose solidarity over blaming protesters. "Let my building burn," he said. "... put those officers in jail.
I was completely moved by Ruhel's comments, and I wanted to help in any way I could. I have reached out to the restaurant and gotten in touch with a personal friend of the owner to ensure all funds go directly to Ghandi Mahal once the goal is met.
This is the Facebook post, written by Ruhel's daughter:
Hello everyone!
Thank you to everyone for checking in. Sadly Gandhi Mahal has caught fire and has been damaged. We won’t loose hope though, I am so greatful for our neighbors who did their best to stand guard and protect Gandhi Mahal, Youre efforts won’t go unrecognized. Don’t worry about us, we will rebuild and we will recover. This is Hafsa, Ruhel’s daughter writing, as I am sitting next to my dad watching the news, I hear him say on the phone; “ let my building burn, Justice needs to be served, put those officers in jail”. Gandhi Mahal May have felt the flames last night, but our firey drive to help protect and stand with our community will never die! Peace be with everyone. #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #BLM