Support for Artists who are Incarcerated
Donation protected

We are the members of the Spring 2021 Performance and Community Exchange (PACE) class at the University of San Francisco. Over the semester, students have been working on creating performance pieces with a group of collaborators inside of Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF). In addition to working with our collaborators, we have been educating ourselves on the injustices faced by those inside of the criminal justice system.
What we view as basic necessities are things people inside CCWF are not receiving on a consistent basis and when they do oftentime in an inadequate amount to take care of themselves properly. With jobs paying between $0.07-$0.45 per hour and a portion being taken out by CDCR for restitution, it becomes increasingly hard for people inside to purchase good soap, shampoo, a hairbrush - things that are required for bodily care are left for those inside to purchase on their own. One of our collaborators wrote us saying “...calling family and friends for funds is just shameful and for others, there is no one to call for help so they help others with laundry, hairstyle, making cards and cooking in exchange for bar soap, noodles, shampoo and such.”
Prisons in the United States have been a notoriously dangerous place for the spread of COVID-19 during the pandemic. With little room for social distancing and sparse PPE, incarcerated people have been more vulnerable than ever over the past year. As the COVID-19 pandemic worsened, there is an insufficient number of masks and sanitary products being given and those inside are often confined to small spaces with many other people for extended amounts of time. One of our collaborators writes “The truth of the matter is that CDCR is not providing effective or enough hand soap, disinfectant, laundry soap, or hand sanitizer. We ladies make our own masks, buy our own ajax soap and laundry soap. As for keeping safe during covid it really is the person's responsibility because CDCR is not worried about it.”
All money donated will be split amongst our collaborators for them to spend on any items they need. With even a small donation, those living inside CCWF will have the opportunity to purchase items to improve both their physical and mental wellbeing. Just $10 is enough for one person to purchase a toothbrush (.65), toothpaste (1.75), deodorant (2.70), dial gold bar (.90), shampoo (2.25), and ajax soap (1.85). A full list of basic hygiene and necessary products is provided below. Any donation will make a big difference for those on the inside. Thank you for donating and for your support of PACE and our collaborators inside!

Items available to Purchase inside CCWF
stamps 11.00
pen .30
writing tablet .85
envelopes 5 pk 1.15
toothbrush .65
ultra brite toothpaste 1.75
Colgate pro gel 2.60
mouthwash 1.40
toothbrush holder .60
dental flosser 1.65
denture tablets 2.75
lady speed stick 2.70
men speed stick 2.75
dial gold bar .90
dial coconut bar 1.00
Irish spring .70
Irish spring body wash 5.95
men's hair/ body 3.00
shower shoes 1.35
band aids 1.00
ajax soap 1.85
toilet paper .75
soap box .60
body puff .85
shampoo 2.25
shampoo clarifying 2.25
conditioner 2.25
hair brush 1.85
hair bands 1.10
gel 2.10
hair spray 2.15
perm kit 10.15
pomade grease 1.60
baby lotion 1.30
jergens lotion 5.10
baby powder 1.50
fingernail clippers .50
cotton swabs 1.60
cough drops 1.65
razor 2.00
douche 3.30
aftershave lotion 1.65
emery boards .70
muscle joint rub 1.95
plastic tweezers .95
petroleum jelly 1.90
vitamins no iron 2.95
laundry soap 1.45
tide laundry soap 9.25
dryer sheets 2.15
medicated skin cream 1.50
chest rub 1.95

Amie Dowling
San Francisco, CA