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Support for Judi & Dom

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Friends! You may be aware that our friends Judi & Dom LoPresti are going through a medical emergency situation, and they need our help.

Dom has a history of back issues. Last week, he experienced such severe back pain that it required multiple trips to Urgent Care and prevented him from working. His sciatic nerve was so aggravated that his legs went numb and he was in excruciating pain. After several days of medication and no relief, Judi made the decision to take him to the emergency room over the weekend. Dom was given an injection of pain meds to give him some temporary relief, but he is still bed-ridden and unable to work. There's an MRI scheduled for Monday (2/3) that will determine what exactly they're dealing with and what course of action to take next. Major surgery is a real possibility.

The problem? Judi & Dom don't have health insurance.  Medical bills are already starting to pile up, and Judi isn't able to keep the shop open regular hours because she is Dom's main caretaker. All this means a lot of money is going out and no money is coming in.  It's unknown at this point when Dom will be able to return to work. They are faced with the reality of being bankrupted because of a medical emergency.

Judi & Dom do so much for the Cincinnati community. Their bike shop Spun is a staple in the Northside community; they are leaders in the cycling community; and they are amazing ambassadors in the dog rescue community. A family that gives so much to us has fallen on hard times; can you help rally around them? No donation is too small. 

Depending on the MRI outcome and next steps, a fundraiser is being planned for March 1 from 12-4PM at The Factory in Northside. Stay tuned for more details, but please mark your calendars!

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  • Anonyme
    • $30
    • 5 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Britt Born
Cincinnati, OH
Judi LoPresti

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