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Support for Julie (battling cancer)

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My amazing friend Julie, whom I've known since we were kids, is presently facing the most challenging and stressful time of her life. She, a mother of two wonderful young boys, and wife to her awesome husband Derek, was diagnosed with breast cancer (with mets to the axillary lymph nodes) in October of 2016.
Over the past exhausting six months, she has been undergoing chemotherapy treatment and has recently undergone surgery to remove the tumours. She has been recovering at home and is now preparing to undergo radiation treatments over the next few weeks, followed by targeted therapies. Needless to say, this process has taken its toll.
She has been trying to stay positive and optimistic, but a cancer diagnosis is daunting and filled with uncertainty. No one expects to be hit with the big "C" at age 42! It has been, and continues to be, a difficult emotional and physical battle for Julie and her loved ones.
Before her diagnosis, Julie was self employed and running a thriving home daycare. It was a job she loved, but understandably, she could no longer keep things running while undergoing cancer treatment.
The loss of Julie's income has put the family in great financial distress, which is something they shouldn't have to deal with at a time like this! Debt has been mounting, collectors are calling, and life is becoming more stressful by the minute.
Julie and her family need help! We can't let them sink under! All funds raised are to go toward helping Julie's family cover the ever increasing debt being incurred, and the mounting medical expenses being incurred while Julie is not working.
I am asking that you please help ease their financial burden! No amount is too small, and every little bit would be so very much appreciated! What I want more than anything is for Julie to get better!


  • Rebecca Peach
    • $40
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kira Yager
L'Île-Perrot, QC
Julie Fong

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