Support for LeeAnn Hundley
On Sunday March 8, 2020 LeeAnn Hundley was in a horrible accident, one that you can never prepare yourself for.
LeeAnn was doing something that she truly loves and enjoys - then everything changed quickly. She was at their cabin riding her new horse Cartwright, for the first time. Cartwright took off full speed towards the road throwing LeeAnn off and causing her to hit her head on the pavement. It was obvious rather quickly she has serious injuries. After calling 911 and with medics on site they called for Lifeguard 10 to take LeeAnn to Carilion Roanoke Memorial hospital where she still is.
LeeAnn has traumatic brain injuries- skull fracture,several cracked ribs and an issue with her lung which has led to a collapsed lung requiring the need for a chest tube.
She has been on the vent since she arrived at the hospital and has been getting oxygen at 100% but has been lowered over the last couple of days to about 45%. With some progress LeeAnn is still considered to be in critical condition in the ICU trauma center.
She has a loving supportive husband Robbie, 2 sons, Trey and Ethan, and 3 grand babies Madison, Mason, and Colin. As well as many other loving friends and family rooting for her recovery.
Obviously under the circumstances LeeAnn cannot work during this time, with no idea when she could return. She has been a Store Manager and huge assist to Roses for over 30 years.
LeeAnn has always helped those in need never wanting anything in return. She is one of the strongest, thoughtful, caring, and most generous women I've ever met. If you can fine it within your means to be able to donate to our family during this difficult time it would be greatly appreciated.
All donations would help with any bills from this accident and for any future medical care needed. It will also be supporting Robbie in his travels back and forth to the hospital and meals while not being home etc.
Also, unfortunately due to the current situation with this Corona Virus - Robbie is the only person allowed at the hospital at this time to visit LeeAnn. So instead of visits, flowers, etc at this time if you could donate it would be a big help.
If you are not in a position to donate, we ask you tokeep LeeAnn, Robbie, the kids, and all of LeeAnn's loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you