Support perfect lovers
Donation protected
This is an invitation to the Durham community to financially support perfect lovers in the home stretch to becoming a sustainable business operation.
In the last two years, getting to know this Durham community has been incredible and life giving.
Starting an art-project-endurance-coffee-pop-up-space(lol), whilst coming out of lockdown and thrust into this new “post” pandemic world may seem like an odd choice, but it’s exactly what I needed and maybe you did too.
I am so proud of what you have helped me create here and so excited to see what it becomes.
Whether you've enjoyed a cortado, ran into an old friend (I live for these unexpected reunions BTW), attended a community fundraiser, seen an intimate show, or weeped whilst moving your body with Londs’s Melancholy Pilates, I hope that you have felt that perfect lovers is a supportive space for you.
As we head into 2024, my hope is to bring the community more opportunities for connection, inspiration, and beauty, while prioritizing inclusion and equity in the process.
Sales and revenue from space rental fees have been steadily growing since opening in 2022. I expect the shop to be self-sustaining by the spring, but at this time perfect lovers needs financial support to continue.
To help the space become more fiscally viable, there is an exciting new partnership in the works. This partnership will add even more layers of vibrance and weave an even wider web of community through the space.
I am grateful to have received SO much help already through collaborations that have taken many forms: writing this plea, planting a beautiful garden with the generosity of Cicada Designs, hosting artist markets organized by hard working community agents such as River Takada and Shea Broussard of Compassion Access Project, and countless other meaningful collaborations (Getchu Some Gear, Pollinator project come to mind) that have been vital in making this art space what is thus far.
To help Perfect Lovers thrive I am asking for $12,000.
These funds will go directly to:
- Rent
- Pay a living wage for a new barista
- Addition of another open day of coffee service
- Bulk inventory such as cups, paper products, and beans
- The creation, design, and hosting of a website that will include a much needed calendar and way to streamline inquiries and booking for the space.
- Espresso machine maintenance
- Additional funds will be used to procure folding tables, chairs, an in-house projector, deep clean the floors, weather proof the ramp and add another heating source for the patio to make the container more inviting for private parties and other gatherings.
Thank you so much for reading this. Please help me to keep perfect lovers alive!
carrie elzey
Durham, NC