Friends of Bob Healey
Donation protected
'That Bob Healey has cancer has come as a shock to many.' Bob is a husband, father of six, grandfather of eight, and friend of many, who has been diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer. This fund has been established to assist the Healey family in paying for expensive cancer treatments to try and save his life. Below is a detailed account of the Bob and Adele's journey. We thank you for your generosity...every dollar makes a difference!
Please be assured of our prayers for all donors. May God bless you for your charity.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
J and Kelsie Thomas
That Bob Healey has cancer has come as a shock to many.
Bob has always been in great health. He could do more work than other men his age because of his natural upper body and core strength and his focused will. Involved in scouting leadership, first in Boy Scouts of America and then in TrailLifeUSA, Bob has led young men across the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, through the Rocky Mountains, and then last June, at age 62, he led 4 highschool boys on a grueling 20 mile, “Rim-2 Rim” hike, down, across and out of the Grand Canyon, all in one day -- considered one of the toughest hikes in North America.
Now, 8 months later, Bob has been diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer with metastasis to the lower spine and surrounding lymph nodes. Bob’s brother-in-law said it best, “Bob, I can’t believe you have cancer. You have always been the fit and healthy one. You are supposed to outlive the rest of us.”
The first sign of trouble was in February this year, when he went to his primary care physician for high blood pressure, presumably brought on by the intense pressure of starting a business. But following general lab work and screenings, then a flurry of doctors’ appointments, lab tests, a biopsy, a CT scan and a bone scan, the devastating diagnosis was given. Bob, who thought he was extremely healthy, was given the worst possible medical diagnosis he could imagine -- CANCER!
Our Cancer “Dream Team”
While waiting for all the appointments and tests, Bob started researching this disease on the Internet. Among all the articles on every aspect of cancer, he was especially interested in an interview of Professor Thomas Seyfried, discussing his research suggesting that cancer is foundationally a disease of cell mitochondria, which results in damage to the genetic code of DNA. He postulates that by attacking cancer at its roots, -- in the mitochondria,-- rather than by treating it at the symptoms level of DNA damage, one could cure all cancers, not just buy the patient a few years. This is called the metabolic approach to cancer treatment, and there is a growing body of literature and treatment protocols attempting to attack cancer from this non-conventional direction. These scientists are in league with a host of nutritionally-minded medical professionals who treat cancer from the viewpoint that each patient is different, and needs an individualized approach that takes into consideration the chemistry of that individual in the development of the therapy. This approach really appealed to us rather than using solely the conventional “Standard of Care” protocols, which for people with Bob’s diagnosis, offers a very poor prognosis as it takes a heavy toll on the body using conventional hormone, chemo and radiation therapies that destroy not only cancer cells, but healthy cells alike.
After reaching out to Professor Seyfried to see who in the world of oncology treated cancer from this metabolic direction, we worked our way through an exhausting but fruitful process of building a “dream team” of physicians who are now charting his therapy course. His team consists of 1) a board certified MD oncologist, trained in oncology research and integrative medicine, who can advise but unfortunately lives too far away in Oregon, 2) a relatively local oncologist, also a board certified MD, who is comfortable with a tailored treatment approach based on solid, consistent lab work, tests, and scans for on-going evaluation, and 3) a nutritional oncology naturopath, who is specially trained in the use of nutrition and orthomolecular supplementation to attack cancer, to correct the underlying blood chemistry through nutrition, and to enhance the immune system to support the body’s ability to kill the cancer. Together, we think these medical professionals have the ability to evaluate and draw upon the best resources and approaches of both the conventional and alternative cancer worlds.
Based on our prayer and study, this is the path that makes the most sense to us. We are just at the beginning, the course is being charted, and bills are mounting steadily. Please pray for us that God will bless this path, or direct us to a better one. We want very much to do His Will.
The Current Plan
At this point in the treatment Bob is very thin. This was intentional at first, since his doctor said it would help his blood pressure normalize to take off the 20 pounds he’d acquired. But it has gone a little low now, and it seems like we can’t quite put weight back on. He is eating well, and clear-headed during this critical time in the establishment of his business. He is also trying to get more rest, so his body can heal. As usual, Bob is very focused on the task at hand, and follows through with his naturopathic treatment protocols and ketogenic diet, as well as numerous supplements of vitamins and minerals.
We are anxious to get the results of the first set of repeat scans and labs, hopeful that they will show improvement but we also have to brace ourselves for the possibility that things are not moving in the desired direction yet, so we won’t be discouraged. Cancer treatment is a marathon, not a sprint.
The Cancer Balancing Act
Having cancer puts one in an odd place, where one must always be looking forward with hope, but also with pragmatism. This is the “cancer balancing act” -- always balancing life and death:
“We are going to beat this thing...but we should talk about whom to give your special valuables?”
“Our graduating son can help you with the business instead of going to college,... but what kind of exit strategy do we need to be considering if this cancer is taking you down?”
“I can’t live without you so you have to get well,....but I can live near our kids and just give away my computer (which I don’t like anyway), so you don’t have to worry about me.”
“We should have a big party for our 40th anniversary next year...if Bob is still here.”
Obviously, early Christian martyrs had the same balancing act to do: “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; or whether we die, we die unto the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8)
This balancing act is one of cancer’s gifts because it is the best way to live in the moment. Our security must always be in God, even while we are setting goals and plans for our lives. God has a purpose and we can trust Him, even if, sometimes, things doesn’t go like we hope. “For to me, to live is Christ: and to die is gain.” Philipians 1:21
Bad Financial Timing
Presently, the biggest weight on Bob is clearly financial. He has had a job from the time he was 12 and could throw newspapers for pocket money. Two years ago as he approached his 60’s, Bob could clearly see that his employable years were numbered. He had always wanted to develop a product for himself instead of for the “other guy.” If he was ever going to realize this life dream, now would be the time. Never attracted to a lavish lifestyle, we had some savings as well as retirement funds from Bob’s years in business that we decided to use to fund the startup of the Grillblazer adventure, confident in our ability to work hard and confident in the providence of a loving God.
Bob’s focused determination doggedly moved forward, steadily overcoming one hurdle after another. This new business adventure was using every bit of experience and expertise he had acquired in a lifetime of engineering, design, management and business. Bob ran a very successful Kickstarter campaign last July to provide initial funding, prove his business model, and to give birth to he new business: He then took on some financial partners (good Catholic men) and is diligently and steadily building his business, although he is a long way from turning a profit yet. The coronavirus has presented an unexpected challenge but still the fledgling business is moving ahead. If things continue on the present course, Bob expects to be able to meet his current business obligations as long as he keeps turning the revenue back into the business. This really doesn’t allow for a salary for himself at this time.
Although we had planned to maintain a reserve cushion for emergencies, the huge cost cancer care was not in our financial forecast. And who could have imagined the coronavirus outbreak and the economy-crushing political decisions that would ensue?
“Even our doctors can’t afford [conventional] cancer care without insurance”
The fact that conventional cancer care can cost upwards of a quarter of a million dollars was a huge shock to us. We’ve been told: “This shot that you need is $1000 each and you need it once a month for the rest of your life,” and “The first round of chemo will be a treatment every 21 days for the next 6 months, each at a cost of up to $40,000.” Who can afford such medicine? Then there are consultations, blood work, scans, and possible radiation therapy each with hefty price tags. When we told them we were self-pay, Bob was told, “Even our doctors couldn’t afford cancer care if they had to pay for it themselves. You need to get insurance.” (That’s kind of funny coming from the people who are diagnosing you with a deadly and expensive “pre-existing condition.” Insurance isn’t going to happen.)
Instead of health insurance we are members of Samaritan Ministries, a nation-wide group of Christians who share medical expenses for each other; we help other Christians pay their bills, and they, in turn, help us. Unlike insurance, the agreement to pay one another’s bills is strictly voluntary. It really is true Christian Charity in action! We like both its concept of Christians caring for one’s brother, and that we have the freedom to manage our own healthcare, and are not limited to in-network or out-of-network issues. Of course, with freedom comes this case, for our medical bills. Given that we are personally responsible for the payment of our bills, we have always been careful with our healthcare dollar, only seeking medical care when it was necessary. Well, now it is necessary, for sure!
We have been very pleased with the medical sharing model in the several small medical situations for which we have been reimbursed. Having huge bills is new to us and fortunately Samaritan ministries reimburses alternative cancer treatments and pro-active therapies that traditional insurance plans wouldn’t cover. The real financial struggle for us is the sheer size of the bills, the lag time between the upfront discounted payment of services rendered and the reimbursement 90-120 days later, from members as the bills are being shared. This can easily be $100,000 or more as Bob begins the more conventional protocols.
Solution: Community
Hearing of Bob’s concern about finances, a friend suggested that people might be willing to help with our financial challenge and contribute to a fund to help us with up-front medical costs, offering to help set up a GoFundMe campaign. Many generous people, giving some amount that isn’t a hardship for them individually, would bless us greatly. We are facing the mounting cost of medical expenses, each one something we could handle alone but quite a lot in such a volume and at this fast rate of accumulation. The labs and scans in the last 10 days alone, needed to measure and track the effectiveness of our current treatments, have cost nearly $10,000. In aggregate we’ve spent over $20,000 in the last month and a half, and this rate of expenditure will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Although these measures are relatively inexpensive when compared to chemotherapy. We are realistic and need to plan for controlled conventional therapies with its staggering cost and accompanying misery. We pray that this measured approach towards conventional protocols will enable us to be prepared for the worst. We can only trust that God will provide, maybe through this very means.
If you contribute to this campaign, the money will help us afford our medical expenses as we incur them, so that Bob will be free of the worry that we will have to make medical decisions based on affordability rather than medical necessity. Anxiety is counter to rest and healing.
Cancer is a gift
We believe that this cancer is a gift from God, as are ALL the things that Almighty God does. We do not know what He wants to accomplish, but one with eyes of faith will see many blessings. It is not comfortable to us to be on the “needy” side of things, preferring as everyone does, to be the giver rather than the receiver. We are learning a lot about trust and humility. I am humbled to have to write this letter requesting help, and to accept the offers of help and meals from friends. Since the tender age of twelve, Bob has always prided himself on paying his bills and being responsible; yet here he is, running up huge bills that he soon will be unable to pay. It must surely be God’s plan that one must sometimes face his limits so that he can learn to trust in the Providence of God instead of on himself. This is where Bob is, especially facing the very real possibilities of being sick and unable to care for his family, or his business. We are seeing firsthand God’s plan for community, where one man’s need gives another man the opportunity to give, and both grow in grace and charity. Truly, no man is self-sufficient when the right combination of events happens. Bob’s cancer has placed us at an epicenter of Catholic charity, and we are profoundly grateful.
As a Catholic family, we have taught our children to believe in redemptive suffering. We are determined to embrace this cross as events unfold, saying “Thy Will be done.” We know that God’s gifts come in strange wrappings. Our children are strong and full of faith in our loving Creator, sincerely convicted that He has great blessings hidden in this challenging circumstance, and that if we cooperate with His plan, it will abound to His greater glory in the end. We can’t lose with God’s perfect and holy will!
Pray with us that all that God intends to bring about through this situation will be completely realized. We have been so richly blessed that it is only right that we have our share of hardships as well.
We do humbly thank everyone for their gifts, especially their prayers, Masses, meals, help with chores, and help with bills. May God bless you for your charity to us.
Bob and Adele Healey
Photo: Family visit to see our daughter, Sister Christine, in the Cincinnati Convent in July 2019.
Photo: Our son, Deacon Robert Healey, was unable to join us for the family photo.
Please be assured of our prayers for all donors. May God bless you for your charity.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
J and Kelsie Thomas
That Bob Healey has cancer has come as a shock to many.
Bob has always been in great health. He could do more work than other men his age because of his natural upper body and core strength and his focused will. Involved in scouting leadership, first in Boy Scouts of America and then in TrailLifeUSA, Bob has led young men across the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, through the Rocky Mountains, and then last June, at age 62, he led 4 highschool boys on a grueling 20 mile, “Rim-2 Rim” hike, down, across and out of the Grand Canyon, all in one day -- considered one of the toughest hikes in North America.
Now, 8 months later, Bob has been diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer with metastasis to the lower spine and surrounding lymph nodes. Bob’s brother-in-law said it best, “Bob, I can’t believe you have cancer. You have always been the fit and healthy one. You are supposed to outlive the rest of us.”
The first sign of trouble was in February this year, when he went to his primary care physician for high blood pressure, presumably brought on by the intense pressure of starting a business. But following general lab work and screenings, then a flurry of doctors’ appointments, lab tests, a biopsy, a CT scan and a bone scan, the devastating diagnosis was given. Bob, who thought he was extremely healthy, was given the worst possible medical diagnosis he could imagine -- CANCER!
Our Cancer “Dream Team”
While waiting for all the appointments and tests, Bob started researching this disease on the Internet. Among all the articles on every aspect of cancer, he was especially interested in an interview of Professor Thomas Seyfried, discussing his research suggesting that cancer is foundationally a disease of cell mitochondria, which results in damage to the genetic code of DNA. He postulates that by attacking cancer at its roots, -- in the mitochondria,-- rather than by treating it at the symptoms level of DNA damage, one could cure all cancers, not just buy the patient a few years. This is called the metabolic approach to cancer treatment, and there is a growing body of literature and treatment protocols attempting to attack cancer from this non-conventional direction. These scientists are in league with a host of nutritionally-minded medical professionals who treat cancer from the viewpoint that each patient is different, and needs an individualized approach that takes into consideration the chemistry of that individual in the development of the therapy. This approach really appealed to us rather than using solely the conventional “Standard of Care” protocols, which for people with Bob’s diagnosis, offers a very poor prognosis as it takes a heavy toll on the body using conventional hormone, chemo and radiation therapies that destroy not only cancer cells, but healthy cells alike.
After reaching out to Professor Seyfried to see who in the world of oncology treated cancer from this metabolic direction, we worked our way through an exhausting but fruitful process of building a “dream team” of physicians who are now charting his therapy course. His team consists of 1) a board certified MD oncologist, trained in oncology research and integrative medicine, who can advise but unfortunately lives too far away in Oregon, 2) a relatively local oncologist, also a board certified MD, who is comfortable with a tailored treatment approach based on solid, consistent lab work, tests, and scans for on-going evaluation, and 3) a nutritional oncology naturopath, who is specially trained in the use of nutrition and orthomolecular supplementation to attack cancer, to correct the underlying blood chemistry through nutrition, and to enhance the immune system to support the body’s ability to kill the cancer. Together, we think these medical professionals have the ability to evaluate and draw upon the best resources and approaches of both the conventional and alternative cancer worlds.
Based on our prayer and study, this is the path that makes the most sense to us. We are just at the beginning, the course is being charted, and bills are mounting steadily. Please pray for us that God will bless this path, or direct us to a better one. We want very much to do His Will.
The Current Plan
At this point in the treatment Bob is very thin. This was intentional at first, since his doctor said it would help his blood pressure normalize to take off the 20 pounds he’d acquired. But it has gone a little low now, and it seems like we can’t quite put weight back on. He is eating well, and clear-headed during this critical time in the establishment of his business. He is also trying to get more rest, so his body can heal. As usual, Bob is very focused on the task at hand, and follows through with his naturopathic treatment protocols and ketogenic diet, as well as numerous supplements of vitamins and minerals.
We are anxious to get the results of the first set of repeat scans and labs, hopeful that they will show improvement but we also have to brace ourselves for the possibility that things are not moving in the desired direction yet, so we won’t be discouraged. Cancer treatment is a marathon, not a sprint.
The Cancer Balancing Act
Having cancer puts one in an odd place, where one must always be looking forward with hope, but also with pragmatism. This is the “cancer balancing act” -- always balancing life and death:
“We are going to beat this thing...but we should talk about whom to give your special valuables?”
“Our graduating son can help you with the business instead of going to college,... but what kind of exit strategy do we need to be considering if this cancer is taking you down?”
“I can’t live without you so you have to get well,....but I can live near our kids and just give away my computer (which I don’t like anyway), so you don’t have to worry about me.”
“We should have a big party for our 40th anniversary next year...if Bob is still here.”
Obviously, early Christian martyrs had the same balancing act to do: “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; or whether we die, we die unto the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8)
This balancing act is one of cancer’s gifts because it is the best way to live in the moment. Our security must always be in God, even while we are setting goals and plans for our lives. God has a purpose and we can trust Him, even if, sometimes, things doesn’t go like we hope. “For to me, to live is Christ: and to die is gain.” Philipians 1:21
Bad Financial Timing
Presently, the biggest weight on Bob is clearly financial. He has had a job from the time he was 12 and could throw newspapers for pocket money. Two years ago as he approached his 60’s, Bob could clearly see that his employable years were numbered. He had always wanted to develop a product for himself instead of for the “other guy.” If he was ever going to realize this life dream, now would be the time. Never attracted to a lavish lifestyle, we had some savings as well as retirement funds from Bob’s years in business that we decided to use to fund the startup of the Grillblazer adventure, confident in our ability to work hard and confident in the providence of a loving God.
Bob’s focused determination doggedly moved forward, steadily overcoming one hurdle after another. This new business adventure was using every bit of experience and expertise he had acquired in a lifetime of engineering, design, management and business. Bob ran a very successful Kickstarter campaign last July to provide initial funding, prove his business model, and to give birth to he new business: He then took on some financial partners (good Catholic men) and is diligently and steadily building his business, although he is a long way from turning a profit yet. The coronavirus has presented an unexpected challenge but still the fledgling business is moving ahead. If things continue on the present course, Bob expects to be able to meet his current business obligations as long as he keeps turning the revenue back into the business. This really doesn’t allow for a salary for himself at this time.
Although we had planned to maintain a reserve cushion for emergencies, the huge cost cancer care was not in our financial forecast. And who could have imagined the coronavirus outbreak and the economy-crushing political decisions that would ensue?
“Even our doctors can’t afford [conventional] cancer care without insurance”
The fact that conventional cancer care can cost upwards of a quarter of a million dollars was a huge shock to us. We’ve been told: “This shot that you need is $1000 each and you need it once a month for the rest of your life,” and “The first round of chemo will be a treatment every 21 days for the next 6 months, each at a cost of up to $40,000.” Who can afford such medicine? Then there are consultations, blood work, scans, and possible radiation therapy each with hefty price tags. When we told them we were self-pay, Bob was told, “Even our doctors couldn’t afford cancer care if they had to pay for it themselves. You need to get insurance.” (That’s kind of funny coming from the people who are diagnosing you with a deadly and expensive “pre-existing condition.” Insurance isn’t going to happen.)
Instead of health insurance we are members of Samaritan Ministries, a nation-wide group of Christians who share medical expenses for each other; we help other Christians pay their bills, and they, in turn, help us. Unlike insurance, the agreement to pay one another’s bills is strictly voluntary. It really is true Christian Charity in action! We like both its concept of Christians caring for one’s brother, and that we have the freedom to manage our own healthcare, and are not limited to in-network or out-of-network issues. Of course, with freedom comes this case, for our medical bills. Given that we are personally responsible for the payment of our bills, we have always been careful with our healthcare dollar, only seeking medical care when it was necessary. Well, now it is necessary, for sure!
We have been very pleased with the medical sharing model in the several small medical situations for which we have been reimbursed. Having huge bills is new to us and fortunately Samaritan ministries reimburses alternative cancer treatments and pro-active therapies that traditional insurance plans wouldn’t cover. The real financial struggle for us is the sheer size of the bills, the lag time between the upfront discounted payment of services rendered and the reimbursement 90-120 days later, from members as the bills are being shared. This can easily be $100,000 or more as Bob begins the more conventional protocols.
Solution: Community
Hearing of Bob’s concern about finances, a friend suggested that people might be willing to help with our financial challenge and contribute to a fund to help us with up-front medical costs, offering to help set up a GoFundMe campaign. Many generous people, giving some amount that isn’t a hardship for them individually, would bless us greatly. We are facing the mounting cost of medical expenses, each one something we could handle alone but quite a lot in such a volume and at this fast rate of accumulation. The labs and scans in the last 10 days alone, needed to measure and track the effectiveness of our current treatments, have cost nearly $10,000. In aggregate we’ve spent over $20,000 in the last month and a half, and this rate of expenditure will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Although these measures are relatively inexpensive when compared to chemotherapy. We are realistic and need to plan for controlled conventional therapies with its staggering cost and accompanying misery. We pray that this measured approach towards conventional protocols will enable us to be prepared for the worst. We can only trust that God will provide, maybe through this very means.
If you contribute to this campaign, the money will help us afford our medical expenses as we incur them, so that Bob will be free of the worry that we will have to make medical decisions based on affordability rather than medical necessity. Anxiety is counter to rest and healing.
Cancer is a gift
We believe that this cancer is a gift from God, as are ALL the things that Almighty God does. We do not know what He wants to accomplish, but one with eyes of faith will see many blessings. It is not comfortable to us to be on the “needy” side of things, preferring as everyone does, to be the giver rather than the receiver. We are learning a lot about trust and humility. I am humbled to have to write this letter requesting help, and to accept the offers of help and meals from friends. Since the tender age of twelve, Bob has always prided himself on paying his bills and being responsible; yet here he is, running up huge bills that he soon will be unable to pay. It must surely be God’s plan that one must sometimes face his limits so that he can learn to trust in the Providence of God instead of on himself. This is where Bob is, especially facing the very real possibilities of being sick and unable to care for his family, or his business. We are seeing firsthand God’s plan for community, where one man’s need gives another man the opportunity to give, and both grow in grace and charity. Truly, no man is self-sufficient when the right combination of events happens. Bob’s cancer has placed us at an epicenter of Catholic charity, and we are profoundly grateful.
As a Catholic family, we have taught our children to believe in redemptive suffering. We are determined to embrace this cross as events unfold, saying “Thy Will be done.” We know that God’s gifts come in strange wrappings. Our children are strong and full of faith in our loving Creator, sincerely convicted that He has great blessings hidden in this challenging circumstance, and that if we cooperate with His plan, it will abound to His greater glory in the end. We can’t lose with God’s perfect and holy will!
Pray with us that all that God intends to bring about through this situation will be completely realized. We have been so richly blessed that it is only right that we have our share of hardships as well.
We do humbly thank everyone for their gifts, especially their prayers, Masses, meals, help with chores, and help with bills. May God bless you for your charity to us.
Bob and Adele Healey
Photo: Family visit to see our daughter, Sister Christine, in the Cincinnati Convent in July 2019.
Photo: Our son, Deacon Robert Healey, was unable to join us for the family photo.
Organizer and beneficiary
The Thomas Family
Tulsa, OK
Robert Healey