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Support for the Eickholt family

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Our good friends, Adam and Alicia Eickholt, were in a severe car accident on November 24th. They had their two young children and Alicia's 17 year old sister in the car. They were hit by a van who missed a stop sign. The impact was on Adam's side. Adam was life flighted to Parkview hospital in Ft. Wayne. He is still in critical condition. He suffered a small brain bleed, broken ribs that punctured a lung, a shattered hip and pelvis, and internal bleeding in his pelvis. He's been through multiple surgeries already and will continue getting surgeries until the doctors can get him put back together. Alicia has a broken nose, cheek and forehead. She also has a shard bone in her back. This is expected to not cause injury to her spinal cord, but she will need to see an orthopedic doctor in the very near future.  Their two young children are thankfully okay. They have a 1 year old girl and 6 month boy. They have cuts and bruises but were safe in their car seats. Alicia's sister suffered a severe concussion and possibly a broken elbow. Through this fundraiser, money will be used for medical expenses, mortgage and utilities, baby supplies, and a new vehicle. Thank you in advance! As a group of friends, we wanted to do something in this time of feeling absolutely helpless. We will try our best to keep this page updated on any further updates on their conditions.


  • Aaron White
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Megan Byrne
Ottoville, OH
Alicia Eickholt

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