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Support for the family of Juan Navarrete

Spende geschützt
Juan Naverrete-Harrelson a loving father, husband, brother and friend passed away on 12/22/2019. For all of you who knew him, you know that he was a great teacher who loved his students and supported them. He was an amazing husband who loved his wife deeply. And without a doubt he was the most devout father who loved his 2 small children Zayn (3 years old) and Zaiver (1 years old). His family needs all of the financial support to get through this tough process. Please donate what you can. May God bless you immensely and May He give you what you give in ten folds.


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    • $50
    • 4 yrs


Ramla Mohamud
Hopkins, MN

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt