Support for the Imeri Family
Donation protected
Pershendetje mbar shiptaret kudo qe ndodhen shpresojm qe te jeni te glith shendosh e mir me familiet e juaia. Mergim Imeri 24 vjeqar nga Podujeva kerkon ndihm nga njerzit e vullnetit te mir. Mergimi po vuan nga nji semundje jo e leht ma shum se 1 vit Mergimi ka pasur dy operacione deri tash per momentin ndodhet ne Turki ku prap i duhet me ba edhe nji operacion shuma e operacionit osht e pa perballueshme per familjen qe po kushton 28.000 euro mjeket e spitalit te Turkis nuk po e shtin ne operacion pa u ber pagesen Mergimit i doli ne ndihm nji familje shqiptare qe jetonin ne Turki e hoqi nga spitali po e mban ne shtepin e vet qe ta kursen Mergimin nga pagesa qe i kushton 500€ nji nat ne spital ata e premtuan qe do ta mbajn ne shtepin e vet deri sa ti behen parat per ta paguar operacionin. Ju lutem njerz te vullnetit te mir dhe me zemer te bardh ti dalim ne ndihm tja shpetojm jeten Mergimit.
Dear friends, family, and strangers. Mergim Imeri is in dire need of your support as he's been suffering from a large intestine illness that's done immense damage to the quality of his life. As of this moment, Mergim has had 2 operations done in the time span of a year. He is currently in the hospital in Turkey and paying 500 euros a night for the stay, but he now requires a 3rd emergency operation worth about $40,000 (28,000 euros). This fundraiser is set up for the sole purpose of helping Mergim get the operation he needs, and to relieve much of the financial burden the family is dealing with. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance and God bless!
Xhabir Feta
Hamilton, ON