Support for the Kim family after Tony’s MTB crash
(Korean version follows / 아래에 한국어 본)
On August 18th, 2021, Tony was in a terrible high-speed crash on a mountain bike at Whistler, BC. He was airlifted to Vancouver General Hospital for an emergency surgery, having broken his neck, spine, shoulder, and ribs, with shattered teeth, and multiple fractures throughout. Despite the surgery, the medical prognosis is that he could become paralyzed from the chest downward for the rest of his life (ASIA A classification – complete deficit of motor and sensory functions). He currently has no feeling in his lower body.
At only 21 years old, there’s still so much life left for Tony to live. He’s faced many challenges in his life, but this will be his greatest yet. The doctors have told him he will need to stay in the hospital for several months, and many more months of recovery after that. It’s still uncertain how long he’ll need.
As Tony’s family friends, we wanted to put this campaign together to support them in any way possible, and to enable anyone who wants to help to do so through this campaign page. His father was already on disability leave at the time of his accident, and his mother has indefinitely left work to care for Tony.
Anyone who knows Tony knows that he’s an incredibly vibrant person, who loves to fish, ski, snowboard, camp, hike, and travel, with high energy and a passion for adventure. He loves life and has an infectious, upbeat personality and can-do attitude. He is currently a student at the University of Ottawa, studying electrical engineering and in his third year of a five-year program. In and out of class, his classmates describe him as industrious, smart, and hardworking; Tony was working two different jobs at the same time, and was an active member of the uOttawa engineering community leading up to the accident. He also serves his country as a reservist for the Royal Canadian Navy. He’s accomplished so much in such a short time.
The funds from this campaign will go towards covering the cost of new equipment, outfitting their home and vehicle to be wheelchair accessible, dental work for his shattered teeth, costs of uninsured medical and rehab treatments, the loss of income as his parents are away from work to care for him, and various unforeseen costs to help Tony recover over the coming months and years as the family adjusts to a new life.
Thank you for your love and support.
호재의 산악자전거 충돌 후의 가족 지원
호재의 가족을 14년 넘게 알고 지낸 지인으로서, 불확실하고 많은 변화가 있을 긴 여정을 조금이나마 돕고자 조심스럽게 여러분의 지원을 요청하게 되었습니다.
2021년 8월 18일 수요일, 호재는 BC 주 휘슬러에서 산악 자전거를 타던 도중 충돌 사고로 Vancouver General Hospital로 헬기 이송되어 응급 척추 수술을 받았습니다. 척추를 비롯 목, 어깨, 갈비뼈, 치아와 함께 6개의 상부 등뼈(T1-6)가 부러져 수술에도 불구하고 현재로서는 하반신에 감각이 없으며, 호재의 가슴 아래쪽이 평생 마비가 될 수도 있을 것이라 진단을 받았습니다. (ASIA A 분류 – 운동 및 감각 기능의 완전한 결손).
호재는 University of Ottawa의 전기공학과 3학년 학생이고, 사고 전 두 곳에서 일을 하며 많은 경험을 쌓고 있었습니다. 항상 긍정적이고 활기찬 성격에 낚시, 스노보드, 캠핑, 하이킹과 여행을 좋아하고, 에너지가 넘치며 활동적이였습니다. 호재는 또한 Royal Canadian Navy의 21살 예비군 이기도 하였습니다.
현재 호재의 부상이 심각하여 의사들은 얼마 동안 병원생활과 재활치료를 받아할지 아직 예상하기가 어렵다고 합니다. 사고 전부터 호재의 아버지는 이미 병가 휴직 중 이였고, 호재의 어머니는 호재를 돌보기 위해 하시던 일을 그만 두시게 되셨습니다. 이렇게 생각지도 못한 재정적 변화가 생긴 호재의 가족을 돕고자 합니다.
이 캠페인의 기금은 휠체어 사용을 위한 집 및 차 개조, 새 장비 비용, 치과 치료와 추가 재활 치료, 생활 보조 등 앞으로 감당해야 할 여러가지 비용들을 충당하는 데 사용 될 것입니다. 호재의 가족이 사고 후의 새로운 삶에 적응하기 까지의 앞으로 몇 달, 몇 년이 걸릴 지 모를 이 시간에 많은 기도와 지원 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.