Cam Webster recovery
On Friday night (June 28, 2019) Cameron Webster suddenly lost consciousness, collapsed and hit his head on the pavement at a private residence, resulting in a skull fracture, concussion and brain bleed.
Cam is currently in the ICU, at Grand River Hospital (Kitchener) recovering from the head trauma. Doctors are still trying to determine the underlying cause of the loss of consciousness. There is more medical testing and monitoring to be completed in the days and weeks ahead. We will provide an update when possible.
We are raising funds to support his family during this critical time. Cam is the sole income earner for his family: his wife Jennifer and their three children aged 8 and under.
Cam is a licensed mason by trade (bricklayer), and member of BACU Local 12 (Kitchener) [Brick & Allied Craft Union]
A message from Jennifer Webster:
We’re very thankful that, although he is sleeping around the clock, he is conscious and responsive and he didn’t need to be transferred to McMaster in Hamilton for surgery. It’s a waiting game for now until we see how he progresses.
I am just in awe at the circle of support and love that is carrying us through this time. We are blessed beyond measure by our family and friends who have caught us and are carrying us. You all know who you are and I am forever thankful.