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Bday Fundraiser: Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction

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SEPTEMBER 30 IS ORANGE SHIRT DAY, also known as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It also happens to be my 29th birthday.
This year, I'm inviting all my family, friends and acquaintances to help me raise $1k for Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction (TIHR), an Indigenous 2S/queer/trans-led grassroots group that supports unhoused Indigenous folks in the city by providing traditional meals, medicine and supplies.
Temps are already dropping, a reminder to us that winter is on its way and that many people in the city, including residential school survivors, still don't have access to warm meals or warm beds.
We can do better than wearing an orange shirt one single day of the year. September 30 marks an opportunity for settlers to educate ourselves about Canada's genocidal residential school history + its ongoing violence towards Indigenous communities through denial of basic human necessities like clean water and the current child welfare model.
I am turning one year older, presumably wiser as well, so I'd like to take this opportunity to spend my energy where it counts. Anything that can be spared during these hard times will go a long way (and greatly appreciated as a bday gesture.) THANK YOU LOVE YOU.
Follow TIHR:
Background photo via TIHR. 


Tanya Mok
Toronto, ON
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