Support Fund for At-Risk Aloft Residents
Tax deductible
The Aloft Hotel has served as a Protective Action Hotel for Denver’s most vulnerable elderly houseless people for almost 3 years now, and at the end of this month (April), the City is planning to close the hotel. Aloft residents are there due to being highly susceptible to deadly co-morbidities in the face of Covid-19. They are Denver’s elderly, sick, and most vulnerable.
While other similar Protective Action Hotels were closed down and residents kicked to the streets and shelters, this time, significant collaboration between local entities in the final weeks has led to recent high hopes for housing for residents. The Salvation Army Director has stated that they intend to have zero residents going to congregate shelters, and the City seems to be hopeful for the same…
We are not there yet!!! There are over ten residents who still have unclear outcomes and need to find safe, sanitary housing that meets their needs before Aloft officially closes on April 27th. Ultimately these residents need commitment from the City to secure appropriate housing before the end of the month, along with our continued advocacy and support as their neighbors and community.
100% of the funding donated here will be put towards supporting residents during this stressful time, and its specific uses will be dependent on the City's decision to step up to the plate.
We DO NOT want to have to use this money for long-term hotel stays, much less camping supplies like tents. We DO want it for moving support, very temporary hotel stay while plans are being arranged, food support in hotels, transportation, short-term storage, etc. No matter what the outcome will be, we will be sure that the residents know the community is actively there for them and hears their pleas for help in such a critical time.
This fundraiser will send funds to our fiscal sponsor Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP) to be transferred to HAND for the resident support. More information about WRAP: it was created to expose and eliminate the root causes of civil and human rights abuses of people experiencing poverty and homelessness in our communities.
Please stay connected with HAND for other Action Items to support this community!
V Reeves
Denver, CO
Western Regional Advocacy Project