For the past year, the Common Sense Skeptic channel on YouTube has been creating educational/documentary videos that explore some of the more outrageous tech and science claims of our time.
Going into our second year we want to take on some bigger topics, but to do the job properly we need to purchase additional research materials which could add up significantly.
Our first such intended project tentatively titled "12711-VCS" requires $8,000 USD to move forward, as documents related to this topic need to be purchased from a government office. Donors will receive shout out and mentions in the end credits of this production. Donors of $1,000 of more may be entitled to copies of those documents, where permitted by law.
If we hit our target of $1,000 but miss the $8,000 mark, we will put the funds raised towards another future production.
*** UPDATE: We have hit the $1000 mark in a single day, and set the new target goal as $8,000 ***
Thank you in advance for all your support,
The Common Sense Skeptic.
Visit our YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgKWj1pn3_7hRSFIypunYog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/C_S_Skeptic
Organizer and beneficiary