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Support Gateway Estates Families in Crisis

Steuerlich absetzbar
On July 29, 2024, our neighbors at Gateway Estates Mobile Park Community in Dripping Springs received an eviction notice from Santeal Enterprises, LLC, giving them sixty days to vacate the property or their homes would be confiscated. This short notice was devastating for the thirty-six families, residing in the park who have lived here for over twenty-five years, work in our businesses, and have 60 CHILDREN attending school in DSISD. The cost to relocate a mobile home can be upwards of twenty thousand dollars, and many of these homes need significant repairs to move. Some may not be moveable, and a new residence option will need to be found.

Because of this immediate and dire situation, multiple ministries, private individuals, and Hays County & city officials have banded together to facilitate, support, and encourage a smooth & stable transition for these families and to negotiate for a longer transition period with the developer. As a friend, would you help us in our efforts to relocate these hard-working families so that they can once again live and thrive in a community? Without financial assistance, our neighbors won't have the means to relocate.

Donations can also be made directly to Project Connect in cooperation with other local non profit organizations.


  • Michelle Hampton
    • $100
    • 6 d
  • Renee Harper
    • $100
    • 7 d
  • catherine Muffat
    • $150
    • 12 d
  • Anne Gomes
    • $25
    • 12 d
  • Meagan Muller
    • $50
    • 13 d


carrie napiorkowski
Dripping Springs, TX
Project Connect

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