Support Gikku Joseph's liver transplant
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This is Gikku Joseph (age 32) from Kottayam, India, who is in urgent need of a liver transplant. He has been diagnosed with decompensated chronic liver disease. Liver disease runs in his family. He was afflicted with liver disease a few years back. His mother is in poor health as well.
He is the only child of his parents, and as they approach their old age he is their only source for support, care and dependence.
His liver transplant procedure is estimated to cost around Rs 60 lakhs ( $ 80,000) and that amount is way beyond his or his family’s means.
Gikku was working as a catering agent while his father worked as a daily wager. The pandemic conditions, made them both jobless for quite some time before Gikku’s underlying liver disease got worse.
His friends and family have collected close to Rs 15 lakhs ( $20,000) and are currently looking at other funding options. It has come to the point, that his life solely depends on the funds that we can raise on this platform. Gikku's life depends on your generosity and please do consider donating at least a small amount. Sharing Gikku's story in your social circles is also another option to support him and save his life. Thank you!
He is the only child of his parents, and as they approach their old age he is their only source for support, care and dependence.
His liver transplant procedure is estimated to cost around Rs 60 lakhs ( $ 80,000) and that amount is way beyond his or his family’s means.
Gikku was working as a catering agent while his father worked as a daily wager. The pandemic conditions, made them both jobless for quite some time before Gikku’s underlying liver disease got worse.
His friends and family have collected close to Rs 15 lakhs ( $20,000) and are currently looking at other funding options. It has come to the point, that his life solely depends on the funds that we can raise on this platform. Gikku's life depends on your generosity and please do consider donating at least a small amount. Sharing Gikku's story in your social circles is also another option to support him and save his life. Thank you!
Care And Share Lockport
Lockport, IL
Care And Share