Prison Mathematics Project - Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Mathematics is sometimes called the language of the universe. It can also be the language of redemption. Right now, there are tens of thousands of men and women in prison cells studying math on their own, trying to better themselves.
Help us encourage more of that.
The Prison Mathematics Project started in 2015 as a prison-based concept and by 2021 was a 501(c)3 registered non-profit. This year we have found our way onto the international stage by becoming active in all Canadian federal prisons.
Higher education is known to be a powerful, evidence-based rehabilitation tool. In fact, the higher the degree, the lower the recidivism rate—14% for those who obtain associate degrees, 5.6% for those who obtain bachelor’s degrees, and 0% for those who obtain master’s degrees (BJS via northwestern.edu, 2022).
Your donation goes towards:
- helping those in disenfranchised communities gain access to higher education concepts
- mailing costs—both postal and electronic
- staffing
- outreach
- seed money for innovating and broadening our understanding of the teaching and learning of STEM in highly restrictive environments.
Our goal is to raise $100,000 to sustain correspondence between volunteers and participants and cover our administrative overhead.
Our program cultivates mathematical and higher education talent from within the confines of prisons. We pair inmates pursuing math and other STEM subjects, with volunteer mentors in the academic community to elevate incarcerated persons to their fullest potential despite their limiting circumstances.
At its core, the PMP harnesses the beauty of mathematics to reshape lives. Three elements are key to our method:
1) Access to an inclusive and welcoming academic community
2) Exposure to the culture of mathematics and academia
3) Mentorship is intended to create bonds within that community among incarcerated individuals who have been actively pursuing a higher mathematical (or other STEM subject) education on their own.
Our volunteers provide participants with something they may never have had—opportunity for self-improvement. Mentors help students overcome conceptual snags that become obstacles due to the nature of the carceral setting. We have over 450 volunteers that give their time, knowing that these relationships change lives. For our program to grow and scale, it takes more than just volunteers with mathematical minds- It takes a bit of funding, too.
Prisoners communicate through the most basic of secure email technology, usually incurring a cost to correspond.
The Prison Mathematics Project can only work with the good will and support of people like you. Allow us to thank you up front for your one-time or small monthly donation. It's an investment in safer communities and the power of redemption and in many cases, the first opportunity some of these individuals have ever had.
We appreciate your donation today.
Prison Mathematics Project, Inc.