Support Ivy's Journey to Recovery Today!
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Ivy’s story has been one of the most challenging and heartbreaking cases we’ve ever had. You might already be familiar with her journey, as it’s the first time we’ve faced a case where the wound was so severe the treatment took nearly a year.
After we rescued Ivy in November 2023, with a large, deep wound under her armpit that she got from being stuck in a fence. Having lived with it for weeks before being rescued, the wound became severely infected, growing to over 4 inches in diameter. Despite multiple surgeries, daily bandage changes, and months of medical care, Ivy’s recovery was constantly set back by the location of her wound and nasty infections that made healing even more difficult.
Before making the devastating decision to amputate her leg, we sought another opinion and committed to trying every possible option. We pursued an intensive, costly VAC therapy treatment, followed by one final surgery in a last attempt to save her leg.
Ivy’s journey has been long and painful, and now, we need your help to pay off the mountain of medical bills. Please consider being the angel she needs—your generosity will ensure that Ivy gets the fresh start she fought so hard for. Every bit of support brings her closer to the life she deserves, free from pain and suffering.
AMA Animal Rescue
Brooklyn, NY
AMA Animal Rescue