Support Jay Jones' Family in Crisis
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I was laid off in December of 2023. A routine Teams message led to an impromptu meeting with an unexpected guest—HR. I was blindsided. Two weeks later my second child was born.
She has colic/reflux every night and is watched in case she stops breathing. She eats every two hours. My wife struggles with postpartum high blood pressure, readings of 190/90 or higher. Coupled with that comes severe dizziness and for several hours she needs to lie down. In the worst times, ER visits. Seven of them.
Fears she might not return home. She quells them since she feels like a burden. Fears that every night before bed she says, “See you in the morning,” to counter the fear of not waking up.
Fears that dizziness coupled with the numbness in an arm, or leg, coupled with heart palpitations could mean something much worse.
I also have a six-year-old son. He’s active and needs attention. When there’s a new baby, kids vie for more. Sleep regressions, contrary behavior, bedtime accidents, all to not be forgotten, since that’s how he feels.
No matter the attention, time, play, and outings, most days it’s not enough. I’m the sole provider, been this way since 2018 so my wife could be a stay-at-home mom. This is a full-time job mothers should be paid for, but one battle at a time.
So, I began looking for work. I thought it might take some time, but what I didn't realize was how terrible this job market is. Immediately upon making it known I was looking for work, I was bombarded with scammers.
Fake companies, jobs, resume writers, recruiters, ghost jobs, full-time jobs marketed as contract/part-time jobs, companies wanting free work, multiple jobs rolled into one, and it goes on and on.
Fighting off defeat and depression, I initially ignored the scammers and blocked them thinking it's just a part of the job market I had to deal with. As the messages kept coming, I asked myself why it had to be this way.
I wondered, does the job market have to have this as an element of it? I wondered about the millions of people who can't recognize how many scams there are and if I didn't do something about it, I would bear a responsibility in them being scammed because I did nothing.
So, I decided to take them all on. To expose every scammer I came across on LinkedIn because the platform says it's about helping job seekers and legitimate professionals find opportunities, and I believed that. Every day I expose all manner of scammers so that job seekers and legitimate professionals are protected and are able to get to real opportunities faster. I don't get paid for this. I do it because it needs doing.
So far I've gotten over 15,000 fake jobs and over 6,000 fake resume writers/recruiters removed from LinkedIn. I've made the market safer for thousands of job seekers.
But now, I need help.
My family is on the brink of eviction. We've nowhere to go and our vehicle is on the way to being repossessed. Currently, there's only $40 in our checking account. Our daughter needs formula, diapers, our son has needs as well. More bills will draft from our account, so soon it will be negative.
We need your help, urgently.
Otherwise, we're on the street.
I've had two jobs at least since I was 14 years old. This job market is unlike any I've ever seen.
I love protecting the people from the scammers seeking to do them harm. But I'm out of time.
Without you, it's over.
I pray you see the work on my profile, you see what it means to people, and how many need it and realize the heart I have to end the madness in the job market.
I'm known as The Profiler, but I come to you now as simply Jay.
The weight of it all is immense and now my spirit is weary.
I've gotten this far because of God, and because of them.
So please, whatever you can give, give.
I need your help.
Thank you,
Jay Jones

Jay Jones
Naperville, IL