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Support Jersey City Small Business

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I started a small business to give back to others. Ever since I was little girl I’ve looked for ways to bring happiness into other people’s lives. I created my first business plan on an old Tandy computer.

It was a soap company. I never sold a piece but I was passionate about it.

My mother owned a salon in the early 80s, dabbled in a million and one business ventures since. She taught me to find something you’re passionate about and put your entire heart and soul into it. 

I fell in love with the beauty industry thanks to her.

I opened my salon with every penny in my pocket. I continued to bartend through the first year I was open. I didn’t take a paycheck until year 3. 

2020 was the year I was suppose to expand. The year I offered my employees real health benefits. But then corona happened.

I have put my heart, blood, sweat and tears and entire life into this business and I see that same passion and drive in every small business owner in this town.

We aren’t receiving the benefits our government is boasting about. Some of us don’t have the luxury of a savings account to lean into. Some of us run on such thin margins and do so for the love of the business. 

This is a tough time for all of us. But for a small business owner you are everything: customer service, management, staffing, sales and marketing,  There is no 401k, no benefit package, and maybe that should change, but right now we need help. 

For my birthday this year I ask that you give where you can. Not to me, but to the small business owners in jersey city. I’m raising funds to be divided amongst them. I will give every penny I raise to other business owners because I know we are stronger together.


Anatalie David
Jersey City, NJ

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