Support in Johanna's Healing
Hi all.....My name is Sarah and I am starting a campaign to help my dear friend, Johanna White, who was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer.
I have had the pleasure of being friends with Johanna for over 2 decades. Those that know her agree, Johanna is one of those exceptionally lovely human beings whose presence is felt as a graceful and deeply caring and kind woman. She loves exploring life on this beautiful planet, working in the garden, long walks at the Reservoir. As you can see, she adores her chickens (and her other animals), and is deeply devoted to both family and friends.
In August of 2015, work was becoming increasingly difficult for Johanna. Shortly thereafter, Johanna was rushed to the hospital. Her kidneys were shutting down and it was necessary to have a procedure that placed tubes in her kidneys in order to drain fluid that was backing up. Upon further investigation, and a rather challenging and long hospital stay, it was discovered that she has a large, inoperable cancerous mass in and around her uterus.
Johanna is currently working carefully with doctors and various practitioners to treat the cancer and recover her health. Even though the cancer is rather advanced, we all have a genuine hope that she will be able to heal from this and be well again. Her longterm partner, Paul, has been by her side during this entire time. He too is suffering from his own debilitating physical challenges that he is addressing as well caring for Johanna.
During this time, neither of them have been able to work. They have downsized their small farm, sold their farm equipment, and exhausted their financial reserves in an effort to keep up with the bills. They are quickly running out of resources, so I decided to launch this outreach.
The money that will be raised will be going towards food, basic living expenses for Johanna (and Paul) and for Johanna's ongoing medical treatment.
It is my wish, my hope, my prayer, that Johanna (and Paul) have the ease of mind to continue on their healing journey without the stress of losing their home or being unable to continue necessary treatment.
Any and all amounts are so greatly appreciated! I thank you all in advance for your generosity monetarily and/or in sending Love her way!!
With love and gratitude,