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Support Justin Hackel's Recovery

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Early Saturday, November 2nd, our dear friend Justin Hackel engaged with an active shooter at a Reno, NV bar. This shooter had just shot 3 people in front of the bar and as the shooter aimed his gun at another individual Justin tackled him. In this moment Justin sustained 3 gunshots - 1 in the neck and 2 shots in his back. The shooter then fled the scene and was arrested hours later. Of the 4 shooting victims, unfortunately 1 has succumbed to their injuries, 2 were treated for non-life threatening injuries and Justin remains in critical condition at this time. Justin is improving and able to communicate through blinking his eyes and turning his head. He is unable to speak due to being intubated, however, we are hopeful they will remove his breathing tube soon as his condition improves further (the breathing tube is standard for such surgeries). So far, Justin has had 2 surgeries on his neck and is scheduled for a 3rd surgery on Wednesday.

Originally from Kansas, Justin moved to Reno in the early 2000’s and was welcomed with open arms in the Reno skateboarding community and beyond. His love of life, skateboarding and selfless friendship have earned him many friends over the years along with great respect.

As word has gotten out about this tragic event, many of his friends are extremely sad but, not surprised Justin took it upon himself to stop this shooting rampage. There is no doubt he saved multiple potential victims with this selfless act. We are very hopeful Justin will make a full recovery in time though his injuries are extensive. The costs of his medical care will be great, not to mention his living expenses while unable to work, therapy and follow-up appointments post discharge as well as the time needed to heal phyically and mentally. The goal of this Go Fund Me is to cover 1 years worth of basic living expenses.


  • Jane Leek
    • 100 $
    • 7 d
  • Gerald Eaton
    • 100 $
    • 12 d
  • Anónimo
    • 100 $
    • 12 d
  • Melissa Sneed
    • 50 $
    • 17 d
  • Nial Frederickson
    • 50 $
    • 24 d

Organizador y beneficiario

Spencer Benavides
Reno, NV
Justin Hackel

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