Support Kailee's Fight Against Colon Cancer
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Kailee's Social Media Update
"You Have Colon Cancer"
"My life has literally been rocked these past couple weeks, and I wanted to let everyone know what I’ve been going through in case they’ve heard or were wondering.
After finding out I was pregnant in October, I decided that I wanted to do NIPT testing which I was able to do when I was 9 weeks. My first test came back ‘Not Reportable’, with my OB recommending I take another as I most likely had low fetal fraction that they couldn’t pick up on. My 2nd NIPT test was completed and also came back ‘Not Reportable’. From there, I was referred to a Genetic Counselor who offered me to do the test a 3rd time, but through a different lab. I completed the 3rd test, and it came back New Years Eve- we were having a girl! The only abnormality they saw on the test was an additional X Chromosome, also known as XXX syndrome which many live with without even knowing.
We weren’t too concerned at this point. That was until I received another phone call from my Genetic Counselor on Friday, January 3rd. She was informed by the lab that the test showed additional aneuploidies (chromosome issues) and due to their policies, they had to share with us to see if we wanted to release those test results. After talking with my genetic counselor, I agreed to, as they also thought this could have something to do more with me and not the baby. We reviewed the results on Monday, January 6th with the Genetic Counselor and also the MFM. There were 19 PAGES of abnormalities, basically pointing that there had to be an abnormality with me- because a baby with this many abnormalities wouldn’t survive.
I came in on that Tuesday with MFM and OB to have an ultrasound (I am 15 weeks pregnant at this point). There were some concerns in the scans with me, baby looked fine, but they were able to schedule an MRI for me the next morning for my abdomen and pelvis. Wednesday, January 8th we got the call with the MRI results, they saw cancer that was stemming from what they thought was a mass in my colon. Immediately my family and I decided that we were going to transfer my care to Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I called them the next morning (yes, I was the one who had to call and do all coordination) and we were able to get in with Oncology Monday, January 13th.
After biopsies and meeting with the oncology team in the Gastro department at Mayo who specialize, lead research, clinical trials, and have discovered different types of treatments, I feel confident in my team of doctors. I have a long road ahead of me with treatment and hopefully being able to have some surgeries down the line to get rid of this crap. I plan to keep everyone posted along the way as I am able to
I have been asked by many ‘what were your symptoms?’ Unfortunately Colon Cancer can show no signs. I started experiencing back pain and abdominal pain after finding out I was pregnant which I was told is ‘normal during pregnancy’, ‘round ligament pain’, and to see a chiropractor and PT. I also had some abdominal cramping and nausea which was also easily brushed off as a pregnancy symptom. THANK YOU to the NIPT test and for my Genetic Counselor at Essentia Health! Without doing NIPT I’m not sure when/how I would find out- and these tests can tell you SO MUCH MORE than people think! (I know many are against these tests due to whatever beliefs you might have- here’s a reason to not be)
Colonoscopies NEED to be a part of regular screening and PUSHED for those 25 and up. Unfortunately, I am not the only young Mom experiencing this. ‘Fortunately’, I have been able to meet others who are also going through this. Speak up to your doctor if something feels off, and don’t let them brush you off. YOU know your body best!
I have a lot to fight for! My family and of course my little Lowry who is quite literally the light of my life and the only thing getting me through these dark, dark days
Organizer and beneficiary
Trevor Olson
Duluth, MN
Troy Olson