Support Kasen's Battle Against Leukemia
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Every parents worst nightmare.
Hello my name is Vanessa and it is with a heavy heart that I reach out on behalf of Kasen and his family. Kasen is a resilient kid who approaches each day with a methodical determination that inspires everyone around him. Kasen is known for his extreme intelligence and passion for golf, numbers and math! When he's not solving puzzles or mastering his math skills and converting the clocks to military time, you can almost certainly find Kasen on a mini golf course. If he isn’t on a public course, you can bet he is creating or building a mini golf course in his home made from pillows, boxes, baskets, blocks and other trinkets he finds laying around. Creating mini golf courses is where his precision and focus align, making him a natural little engineer and fantastic golfer! His love for Pokémon (most specifically, Piplup), playing SWAT / police officer, and imaginative play in the kitchen and drive-thru, further highlight his creative and adventurous spirit.
On June 17, 2024, Kasen and his parents world as they knew it came crashing down. After suffering fevers off and on beginning Memorial Day weekend and watching Kasen struggle to do (and eat) the things he once loved, it was evident to mom and dad that something wasn’t right with their boy. On June 17, 2024, mom and dad brought Kasen to his pediatrician at VCU and requested a slew of labs and imaging. That’s the moment their lives changed forever. From the VCU clinic, Kasen was urgently taken to the pediatric emergency room at VCU and immediately admitted to the intensive care unit. The imaging showed a large mediastinal mass and complete left sided plural effusion. A very long (fast but slow) 12 day hospital admission; two chest tubes, multiple procedures, biopsies, imaging, lab work, blood cultures, central lines and medications, it was confirmed that cancer had invaded Kasen’s brave 6-year-old body. Kasen begin chemotherapy on June 19, 2024.
On June 20, 2024, Kasen was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. As you can imagine, this devastating diagnosis has forced Claudia and Cory to make some very difficult and life altering decisions. Together, they will continue to prioritize Kasen’s health and safety.
With Kasen’s wellness being the priority, comes the difficult decision for Claudia to temporarily step away from the frontline of her business to ensure Kasen is safe, comfortable, has limited exposure to germs (reducing his risk for infections), able to make every appointment and has the care he needs to get better as soon as possible. Kasen is a fighter, there is no doubt. His joyful spirit and love for life (and golf) continue to shine through, even in the face of his recent diagnosis of Childhood Cancer. Despite the challenges he faces and the long journey ahead, Kasen remains strong, showing us all what it means to tackle life's obstacles with courage and a smile.
If you would like to help Kasen and his parents in any way with donations to help ease the financial burden while they help Kasen fight would be greatly appreciated.
#CureForeKasen #KasensFairwayFight #TeeingUpForeKasen
Mechanicsville, VA