Hi, my name is Cheyenne Gorton, and Ken Gorton is my dad. Anyone who knows me or my dad... knows that he is one of the centers of my universe. Beyond being an incredible dad to me, he is a husband, main provider, and "Grumpy" to my nephews.

In early May, he suffered a heart attack and was transported by ambulance to Cayuga Medical Center, where he spent several days in the Cardiac ICU. We are incredibly thankful he survived and that the doctors successfully added a stent to an artery with a 95%+ blockage. It is because of that stent that he is on a strong dosage of blood thinners for 12 months. In addition to that diagnosis, the doctors discovered he is diabetic, which means his diet and medications will alter the rest of his life.

Not too long after being home, he suffered internal bleeding complications that are likely the result of side effects from the blood thinners, which he cannot stop taking. He has been in and out of the hospital, at one point being transferred via ambulance to Robert-Packer in Sayre, PA. Spending more time in the last month in the hospital than at home. Countless medical procedures, tests, blood transfusions, medications, and more.

To make matters worse, he is out of work for at least 3 months, which is detrimental to his income. NYS disability maxes out at $170 a week, as you can imagine, it's not enough to live on when you are the main household income provider. This, on top of rising medical bills, is causing stress to my parents that are nearing retirement age and cannot retire. There is talk of selling his Jeep, his tractor, their land, and even my childhood home.

One of the key factors to his recovery... is being stress-free. If this can lighten the monumental load of stress, it's the greatest gift anyone can provide to my family.
In the most challenging moments of my life, my dad has been a pillar of support and strength for me. I would not be who I am or experience the privileges I've had without my parents. Seeing your strong-willed dad in pain, stress, and exhaustion is challenging as a young adult. I'm paying it forward to my parents in the hope my community (and extended community) can help me support him and my mom in a time of need.