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Support Samalie with basic living costs

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Hello everyone, I’m fundraising for Samalie Lukwagoa gay LGBTIQ activist, human rights defender and asylum seeker who has been living in a refugee camp for the past five years. She has always stood out to defend LGBTIQ rights and vocally speak about the injustices that they face as LGBTIQ people. Her activism and gender identity is not hidden and has expossed her to alot of physical and psychological torture in the past few years.

Unfortunately she was forced to flee from the country where he was seeking asylum to another country because she has faced inhumane challenges, been discriminated against, police arrests and raids at her residence, been accused of promoting and recruiting boys into homosexuality by the host community, and threats to be killed, bullied and physically attacked because of his sexuality.
Currently her living conditions are the worst a human being would never think or wish someone to live, such as sleeping outdoors in the rain with no mosquito nets or shelter. 
‘Each day that goes by I face these challenges which leave me in tears and makes me think I do not matter/ traumatised and I have no solution since I can’t work because no one wants to employ me since am an LGBTIQ person. Many people like me have been forced to flee but the country we are in is not better. I am with three trans women trying to makes two ends meet but this place is not better.’
‘ We are suffering out here with no resources at all. We are barely hanging on and we are seeking for your assistance in any possible way that you can. We have no food, the shelters are uninhabitable, we sleep outside with no blankets, we dont even have containers to store some water. The situation is dire. Please find it in your heart to consider looking into our plea

Spenden (3)

  • Paul Kidd
    • £20
    • 8 mos
  • Anonym
    • £20
    • 8 mos
  • Anonym
    • £20
    • 8 mos
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